Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1956, Qupperneq 49

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1956, Qupperneq 49
8 Verzlunarskýrslur 1954 Tafla III B. Yfirlit yfir verð (FOB) Value (FOB) of Exports é ó H Vörutegundir commodities AuBturríki Austria E .2 .2 "o “3 C cq Brctland Unitcd Kingdom Danmörk Dcnmark Finnland Finland cn 01 3 158 »» Garnir saltaðar, óhreinsaðar sheep casings, salted, undressed . . - - 84 66 ** Garnir saltaðar, hreinsaðar shccp casings salted, dressed - - 1 102 - 329 í 03 1 679 70 » Freðsíld herring, frozen - - _ ** Lax og silungur ísvar. og fryst. salmon and trout, chilled andfrozen - - 64 - - ** Hrogn fryst rocs, frozen - - 2 348 - - »* Saltfiskur þurrkaður saltcd fish, dried - 41 825 546 - ** Saltfiskur óverkaður salted fish, uncured - 11 4 276 6 462 _ ** Þunnildi söltuð wings, salted - - - - ** Skreið stoclcfish - 1 38 560 3 917 1 381 ** Matarhrogn söltuð roes for food, salted - 2 - 475 - *» Saltsíld herring, salted - - 305 18 419 »* Reyktur fiskur fish, smoked - - - - 1 059 322 Huraar frystur lobster, frozen — _ i _ ** Fiskmeti niðursoðið fish canned - - 87 623 _ 08 Fiskmjöl fisli mcal 72 2 648 6 505 3 171 1 488 ** Síldarmjöl herring meal - - 487 53 1 470 ** Karfamjöl red fish, meal 230 - 102 6 572 - »» Hvalmjöl whale meal 339 - _ - - ** Lifrarmjöl liver meal - 6 - - - 21 Gœrur saltaðar sheep skins, salted - - 83 4 803 »* Skinn og húðir saltað hides and skins, salted - - 5 - 97 ** Fiskroð söltuð fish skins, salted - - - 2 - ** Selskinn óverkuð seal skins, undressed - - 138 149 - „ Refa- og minkaskinn óverkuð fox skins and mink skins undressed - - - _ - 26 Ull wool 140 - 38 633 - 28 Gamalt járn og stál iron and steel scrap - 267 389 0 _ »* Aðrir gamlir málmar non-fcrrous metal scrap - - 97 52 - 29 Beituhrogn söltuð roes for bait, saltcd - - - - - ** Æðardúnn eiderdown - _ 6 - 12 41 Þorskalýsi kaldhreinsað cod liver oil, non-freezing _ 66 124 171 54 »» Þorskalýsi ókaldhreinsað cod liver oil, non-destearinated _ 5 13 802 787 2 812 *» Fóðurlýsi cod liver oil, veterinary - - - 781 52 „ Iðnaðarlýsi cod liver oil, industrial - - - - - „ Síldarlýsi herring oil - - 3 550 187 - »* Karfalýsi red fish oil - - 244 78 - *» Hvallýsi whale oil - - - - - »* Tylgi stearin - - - 133 - 61 Gærur sútaðar slieep skins, tanned _ - - 25 - 73 Skip ships - - - - - 93 Endursendar vörur returned goods - 20 216 99 _ Ýmsar vörur miscellaneous - 1 154 312 79 Samtals total 781 3 068 79 183 25 925 27 066 Verzlunarskýrslur 1954 9 útfluttrar vöru 1954, eftir vörutegundum og löndum. 1954, by Commodities and Countries. I'rakkland France Fœreyjar The Faroes Grikkland Greece Holland Nctherlands írland Ireland Ítalía Italy Júgóslnvía Yugoslavia Norcgur Norivay PóIIand Poland Portúgal Portugal i* ^có Q -5 'a s a,o, cn co s 6 H ! ~ _ _ uo 01 - - - - - - - - - - - »» - - - - - - - - - - - „ — — — — — _ _ — — _ — 03 5 889 - _ - _ - - - _ 99 574 - »» 727 - - - - - 1 427 - - »» 76 - - - - - - - - - „ 328 _ - - - - - _ - _ _ - „ - _ - _ _ 129 - _ _ 21 - 21 723 „ 26 6 147 9 225 331 _ 27 018 - 14 622 - 22 447 - - »» 1 - - - - 5 341 - - - - - - »♦ 1 130 - - 17 135 - 26 664 - 9 088 - - - - »» — — 151 — - — — — — — — — »» - - - - - - - - 3 209 - 28 597 - »» - - - - - 4 - - - - - - »» - - - - - - - - - - - t, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — _ — — „ 28 - 13 - - - _ - - - _ - »» - 207 3 844 6 400 “ - - 4 931 - - 08 - - - 3 877 _ _ - - - - - - »» - 619 856 _ - 226 - - - »» - - 1 222 “ - - - - »» - - - — _ — — — — — 9» - - - - - - - 1 141 - - - 21 - - - 10 - - - - - - - „ - - - - - - - - - - - »» - - - - - - - - - - »* - _ - - _ - - - _ - - - „ - - _ - - - - 529 - - 26 - - - - - - - - - 28 - 2 - - _ _ - - - - _ - »» 2 557 - - - - - - - - - - 29 — _ _ — _ — _ — — — — — »» 10 - _ 72 _ 78 104 - 6 755 - - - 41 ~ - - 3 111 - 679 - 382 - - - „ - - - - •- - - - - - - - »» _ _ 16 - _ - - - _ - _ - »» - - - 1 134 - - _ 5 218 845 - - 420 „ - - - 369 - - - 7 294 - - - 72 »» 1 665 - - 4 541 - - - - - - - », — — — — - — _ _ — — — — »» _ _ _ 17 7 — - - - - - - 61 - - _ - - - - 4 008 - - - - 73 79 - - 22 - - _ - - - 13 - 93 14 111 6 - 33 - 30 - - 8 - 11 803 6 987 9 612 35 078 8 495 59 946 104 41 397 18 308 22 468 128 192 22 215
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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