Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1975, Blaðsíða 33

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1975, Blaðsíða 33
Verslunarskýrslur 1974 29* breyta um leið landaflokkum þessa yfirlits og hafa EFTA-lönd þar út af fyrir sig, vegna inngöngu Islands í Fríverslunarsamtök Evrópu 1. mars 1970 (sjá nánar þar um á bls. 46* í Verslunarskýrslum 1970). — Þess skal getið, að þessi flokkun innflutnings er nú gerð ársfjórðungslega, en birting á niðurstöðum hennar er ekki enn hafin. Innflutningur til framkvæmda Landsvirkjunar og til íslenska ál- félagsins h.f. Innflutningur 1974 til framkvæmda Landsvirkjunar nam alls 607,2 millj. kr., og er hann meðtalinn í öllum töflum verslunar- skýrslna, eins og verið hefur. Af þessari fjárhæð eru 502,0 millj. kr. vegna hinnar nýju stórvirkjunar, sigölduvirkjunar, en að öðru leyti er hér um að ræða kaup á dýpkunarskipinu Trölla og viðbót við kerfi- rástölfu, sem keypt var til landsins vegna alls orkukerfis Landsvirkjunar. — Samkvæmt lögum nr. 59/1965, um Landsvirkjun, með síðari breyt- ingum, skal fella niður aðflutningsgjöld og söluskatt af efni, tækjum og vélum til viðkomandi framkvæmda, þó ekki af vinnuvélum. Frá og með sigölduvirkjun eru greidd full gjöld af vinnuvélum við inn- flutning, en ríkissjóður endurgreiðir þau síðar eftir ákveðnum reglum (þó ekki að fullu í raun). Bygging álbræðslu í Straumsvík hófst á árinu 1967. Samkvæmt 14. gr. samnings ríkisstjórnarinnar og Swiss Aluminium Limited frá 28. 5. yfirlit á bls. 26*—28* 5th summary on p. 26*—28*: Translation ofheadings: 1: USSR. 2: other East-European countries. 3: EEC countrics. 4: EFTA countries. 5: USA 6: all other countries. 7: total. 8: percentages. Translation of text lines: 01: non-durable consumption goods. 01—01: food, beverages and tobacco. 01—02: clothing, textile materials. Headgear. 01—03: footwear. 01—04: cleaning materíals, materíals for personal care and drugs. 01—05: spare parts (for cars, domestic appliances, car tyres). 01—06: other non-durable goods (mainly pcrsonal equipment). 01—07: other non-durable goods for houschold use n.e.s. 01—09: non-durable goods for public consumption. 02: durable consumption goods. 02—11: cutlery, crockery and glassware. Pots, pans etc. 02—12: domestic applianccs (excl. electríc cookers.). 02—13: furniture, lamps etc. 02—14: durable personal equipment (e.g. watches), sports equipment etc. 02—15: durable goods for public consumption. 03: passenger cars etc. 03—16: passenger cars, new and used (excl. station wagons). 03—17: jeeps. 03—18: motorcycles and bicydes. 04: other transport equipment. 04—19: public service vehicles, ambulances, fireengincs etc. (excl. cement mixcrs). 04—20: station wagons, trucks and delivery cars. 05: other machines and tools. 05—21: machines and toois for building work (incl. land reclamation work). 05—22: machines for use in electricity works (excl. construction work). 05—23: Office machinery, computors, machinery used in laboratorics, hospitals, etc. 05—24: agrícultural machinery (incl. tractors). 05—25: machines for use in fish pro- cessing. 05—26: machines and implements used in fishing (incl. navigation aids). 05—27: machines used for the production of investment goods (e.g. in machine shops, ship construction, Cement Works). 05—28: machines used for the production of consumption goods. 05—29: machines and equipment for the chemical industry (incl. the Fertilizer Plant). 05—30: machinery n. e. s. 06: other investment goods. 06—31: investment goods for agrículture (incl. mink for breeding). 06—32: investment goods used in construction industríes. Cookers. 06—36: other investment goods (e.g. for use in telecommunica- tion services, but exd. machinery). 06—37: other investment goods n.e.s. 07: raw materials for the production of consump- tion goods. 07—01: raw materíals for the production of food, drink and tobacco (ind. some wTapping). 07—02: clothing materíals, leather and other goods for the production of dothing, footwear, headgear and bags. 07—04: raw materíals for the production of detergents, soaps and drugs. 07—06: raw materíals for the production of othcr non-durable consumption goods. 07—13: raw materíals for the production of furniture (incl. ready-made doors and fumiture woods). 07—14: raw materíals for the production of personal equipment and other durables. 07—15: other raw materíals, e.g. linen for the pro- duction of bed dothes. 08: building materíals and raw materíals for use in the construction industry. 08—32: building materíals (incl. pipes, fittings, window panes, linoleum etc.). 08—35: raw materíals for use in building and construction (cement, wood to be used in building operations). 09: raw materials for the production of investment goods. 09—41: raw materíals for use in ship building. 09—42: raw materíals for use in machine building. 09—43: raw materials for use in the metal industry and other industries producing semi-finished goods. 10—00: raw materíals and auxiliary materíal, for use in the aluminium smelter. 11—00: production goods to be used in agriculture. 12: production goods to be used in fishing- and other vessels. 12—51: fishing nets and fishing gear. 12—52: other. 13: production goods used in fish processing plants. 13— 61: salt, sugar, spices etc. 13—62: boxes, paper, etc. for packaging. 13—63: knives and other small implements. 14: other production goods n.e.s. Materíals used in. 14—71: the plastics industry. 14—72: the chemical industry 14— 73: the production of paint. 14—74: the production of textile goods and footwear. 14—75: other industry 14—76: repair shops. 14—77: other branches (excl. industry). 15: fuel and lubrícants. 15—81: gasoline (excl. aviation gasoline). 15—82: aviation gasoline. 15—83: jet propulsion fuel. 15—84: gasoil and other oil for house heating and use in ships. 15—85: lubrícating oils. 15—86: other fuels (coal, butane gas, electrícity etc.). 15—87: non-refined oils. 16: ships and aircraft. 16—91 :fishing vesscls. 16—92: merchant vessels. 16—93: other vessels. 16—94: aircraft (incl. gliders) and spare parts.
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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