Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1981, Blaðsíða 23
Verslunarskýrslur 1980
innflutningur ekki tekinn saman sérstaklega af Hagstofunni. En frá og með janúar
1976 hefur innflutningur til Kröfluvirkjunar verið gerður upp mánaðarlega á
sama hátt og það, sem flutt er inn af hliðstæðum aðilum. — Framkvæmdum við
Kröfluvirkjun lauk í febrúar 1978, er fyrri vélasamstæða hennar varð gangfær.
Var hún starfrækt fram í júlí 1978, en aðeins með 7—8 MW afli vegna erfiðleika á
gufuöflun. Gufuaflsstöðin var ekki starfrækt frekar 1978. Á árinu 1979 var hún
starfrækt frá janúarlokum til júníbyrjunar, og aftur frá júlílokum og árið út, með
6—7 MW afli. Síðan með 6 MW afli eða minna til miðs árs 1980, með 9-10 MW
afli fram á haust, og eftir það með 11,5 MW meðalafli til áramóta. Vegna
gufuskorts hafði þegar á árinu 1976 verið ákveðið að hætta við uppsetningu
annarrar vélasamstæðu að svo stöddu. Frá ársbyrjun 1979 tóku Rafmagnsveitur
ríkisins við rekstri Kröfluvirkjunar af Kröflunefnd. — Innflutningur til Kröflu-
virkjunar nam 245,0 millj. kr. 1980. Sömu eða svipaðar reglur hafa gilt um
niðurfellingu gjalda á innflutningi til Kröfluvirkjunar og gilda um það, sem flutt er
inn til Sigölduvirkjunar.
Bygging álbræðslu í Straumsvík hófst á árinu 1967. Samkvæmt 14. gr. samnings
ríkisstjórnarinnar og Swiss Aluminium Limited frá 28. mars 1966, sem fékk
lagagildi með lögum nr. 76/1966, er mestallt, sem með þarf til byggingar
álbræðslunnar, undanþegið aðflutningsgjöldum og söluskatti. Þar eð hér var um
að ræða erlenda fjárfestingu og mikinn innflutning af sérstökum uppruna, var sá
háttur hafður á 1967 og 1968, að þessi innflutningur var ekki hafður með í
árlegum innflutningstölum Verslunarskýrslna. Hins vegar var hann frá og með
5. yfirlit á bls. 24*—26* 5th summary on p. 24*—26*:
Translation of headings: 1: USSR. 2: other East-European countries. 3: EEC countries. 4: EFTA countries. 5: USA. 6: ail other
countries. 7: total. 8: percentages.
Translation of text lines: 01: non-durable consumption goods. 01—01: food, beverages and tobacco. 01—02: clothing, textile
materials. Headgear. 01—03: footwear. 01—04: cleaning materials, materials for personal care and drugs. 01—05: spare parts (for cars,
domestic appliances, car tyres). 01—06: other non-durabie goods (mainiy personai equipment). 01—07: other non-durable goods for
household use n.e.s. 01—09: non-durable goods for public consumption. 01—10: returned goods etc. 02: durable consumption
goods.02—11: cutlery, crockery and glassware. Pots, pans etc. 02—12: domesticappliances (excl. electriccookers.). 02—13: furniture,
lamps etc. 02—14: durable personal equipment (e.g. watches), sports equipment etc. 02—15: durabie goods for public consumption. 03:
passenger caTs etc. 03—16: passenger cars, new and used (excl. station wagons). 03—17: jeeps. 03—18: motorcycles and bicycles. 04:
other transport equipment. 04—19: publicservice vehicles, ambulapces, fireenginesetc. (excl. cement mixers). 04—20: station wagons,
trucks and delivery cars. 05: other machines and tools. 05—21: machines and tools for building work (incl. land reclamation work).
05—22: machines for use in electricity works (excl. construction work). 05—23: office machinery, computors, machinery used in
laboratories, hospitals, etc. 05—24: agricultural machinery (incl. tractors). 05—25: machines for use in fish processing. 05—26:
machines and implements used in fishing (incl. navigation aids). 05—27: machines used for the production of investment goods (e.g. in
machine shops, ship construction, Cement Works). 05—28: machines used for the production of consumption goods. 05—29: machines
and equipment for the chemical industry (incl. the Fertilizer Plant). 05—30: machinery n.e.s. 06: other investment goods. 06—31:
investment goods for agriculture (incl. mink for breeding). 06—32: investment goods used in construction industries. Cookers. 06—36:
other investment goods (e.g. for use in telecommunication services, but excl. machinery). 06—37: other investment goods n.e.s. 07: raw
materials for the production of consumption goods. 07—01: raw materials for the production of food, drink and tobacco (incl. some
wrapping). 07—02: ciothing materials, leather and other goods for the production of clothing, footwear, headgear and bags. 07—04:
raw materials for the production of detergents, soaps and drugs. 07—06: raw materials for the production of other non-durable
consumption goods. 07—13: raw materials for the production of furniture (incl. ready-made doors and furniture woods). 07—14: raw
materials for the production of personal equipment and other durables. 07—15: other raw materials, e.g. linen for the production of bcd
clothes. 08: building materials and raw materials for use in the construction industry. 08—32: building materials (incl. pipes, fittings,
window panes, linoleum etc.) 08—35: raw materials for use in building and construction (cement, wood to be used in building
operations). 09: raw materials for the production of investment goods. 09—41: raw materials for use in ship building. 0£—42: raw
materials for use in machine building. 09—43: raw materials for use in the metal industry and other industríes pruducing semi-finished
goods. 10—00: raw materials and auxiliary material, for use in the aluminium smelter. 11—00: production goods to be used in
agriculture. 12: production goods to be used in fishing- and other vessels. 12—51: fishing nets and fishing gear. 12—52: other. 13:
production goods used in fish processing plants. 13—61: salt, 13—62: boxes, paper, etc. for packaging. 13—63: knives and other small
implements. 14: other production goods n.e.s. Materials used in: 14—71: the plastics industry. 14—72: the chemical industry. 14—73:
the production of paint. 14—74: the production of textile goods and footwear. 14—75: other industry. 14—76: repair shops. 14—77:
otherbranches(excl.industry). 15:fuel and lubrícants. 15—81: gasoline (excl. aviation gasoline). 15—82: aviationgasoline. 15—83: jet
propulsion fuel. 15—84: gasoil and other oil for house heating and use in ships. 15—85: lubricating oils. 15—86: other fuels (coal,
butane gas, electricity etc.) 15—87: non-refined oils. 16: ships and aircraft. 16—90: coast guard vessels. 16—91: fishingvessels. 16—92:
merchant vessels. 16—93: vessels for pleasure or sports. 16—94: tugs, dredgers and other special purpose vessels. 16—95: other ships
and boats. 16—98: aircraft (incl. gliders). 16—99: balloons, parachutes and spare parts for aircraft.