Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1981, Síða 52

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1981, Síða 52
2 Verslunarskýrslur 1980 Tafla I. Verðmæti og magn innflutnings Value and quantity of imports and exports Medalsölugengi 1980 (gildir fyrir innflutning); $ 1= kr. 480,09. Meðalkaupgengi 1980 (gildir fyrir útflutning): $ 1 = 478,95 average selling rate of exchange 1980 (applies to imports): $ I = 480,09. Average buying rate (applies to exports). $ 1 = 478,95. Vörudeiidir 00 Lifandi dýr ........................................ Pyngd weight•) Verð value Innflutt imports Útflutt Innflutt Útflutt FOB-verð CIF-verð exports imports exports FOB-value CIF-value (FOB) Tonn Tonn 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 01 Kjöt og unnar kjötvörur ............................ 1,3 02 Mjólkurafurðir og egg .............................. 10,2 03 Fiskur og unnid fiskmeti* .......................... 3 120,6 04 Korn og unnar kornvörur ............................ 38 987,8 05 Ávextir og grænmeti ................................ 19 788,0 06 Sykur, unnar sykurvörur og hunang .................. 11 313,2 07 Kaffi, te, kakaó, krydd og vörur unnar úr slíku .... 3 898,9 08 Skepnufódur (ómalað korn ekki mcðtalið) ............ 37 803,0 09 Ýmsar unnar matvörur ............................... 2 097,6 11 Drykkjarvörur ...................................... 4 086,6 12 Tóbak og unnar tóbaksvörur ................................ 508,9 21 Húðir, skinn og loðskinn, óunnið ......................... 197,3 22 Olíufræ, olíuhnetur og olíukjarnar ..................... 36,5 23 Hrágúm (þar með gervigúm og endurunnið gúm) 19,1 24 Trjáviður og korkur ............................... 56 290,3 25 Pappírsmassi og úrgangspappír ................................ - 26 Spunatrefjar (aðrar en ullarlopi) o. fl.* ......... 1 102,0 27 Náttúrlegur áburður óunninn og jarðefni óunnin 161 619,1 28 Málmgrýti og málmúrgangur.......................... 151 505,4 29 óunnar efnivörur dýra- og jurtakyns, ót. a......... 727,8 32 Kol, koks og mótöflur ............................. 28 715,1 33 Jarðolía og jarðolíuafurðir ....................... 577 762,0 34 Gas, náttúrlegt og tilbúið......................... 833,5 41 Feiti og olía, dýrakyns ........................... 5,2 42 Feiti og olía, jurtakyns, órokgjörn ..................... 1621,3 43 Feiti og olía, unnin, o. fl.* ..................... 1 316,7 51 Lífræn kemísk efni ................................ 2 778,7 52 ólífræn kemísk efni ............................... 13 418,9 53 Litunar-, sútunar- og málunarefni ................. 1 571,8 54 Lyfja- og lækningavörur ........................... 296,7 55 Rokgjarnar olíur, snyrtivörur, sápa o. fl.* ....... 2 236,4 56 Tilbúinn áburður .................................. 41 340,9 57 Sprengiefni og vörur til flugelda o. þ. h.......... 129,8 58 Plastcfni o. fl.* ................................. 11761,0 59 Kcmísk efni og afurðir, ót. a...................... 2 445,7 61 Leður, unnar leðurvörur, ót. a., og unnin loðskinn 93,7 62 Unnar gúmvörur, ót. a................................... 3 097,5 63 Unnar vörur úr trjáviði og korki* .......... 23 125,3 64 Pappír, pappi og vörur unnar úr slíku* ................ 26 600,1 65 Spunagarn, vefnaður og m. fl.* ......................... 5 280,4 66 Unnar vörur úr ómálmkenndum jarðefnum, ót. a. 26 957,2 67 Járn og stál .......................................... 52 583,6 68 Málmar aðrir en járn .................................. 1 870,9 69 Unnar málmvörur, ót. a................................. 12 310,4 71 Aflvélar og tilheyrandi búnaður ....................... 1 066,0 72 Vélar til sérstakra atvinnugreina ...................... 4 651,0 73 Málmsmíðavélar ........................................ 1 406,1 7.4 Ýmsar vélar til atvinnurekstrar og tilheyrandi, ót. a.* 6 055,8 75 Skrifstofuvélar, skýrsluvélar ........................... 116,1 76 Fjarskiptatæki, hljóðupptökutæki, hljóðflutningstæki 643,8 77 Rafmagnsvélar og -tæki, ót. a.* ...................... 52 099,3 78 Flutningátæki á vegum* ................................ 12 741,8 79 Onnur flutningatæki .................................... 7 782,7 81 Pípul.efni, hreinl.- og hitunartæki í hús, o. fl.* .... 1 305,2 82 Húsgögn og hlutar til þeirra .......................... 2 984,4 83 Ferðabúnaður, handtöskur o. þ. h............ 132,9 84 Fatnaður, annar en skófatnaður ........................... 973,9 85 Skófatnaður .............................................. 646,6 87 Vísinda- og mælitæki, ót. a.* ............................ 242,7 88 Ljósmyndunarvörur og sjóntæki, ót. a.; úr, klukkur 349,0 89 Ýmsar iðnaðarvörur, ót. a.......................... 4 940,4 9 Vörur og viðskipti ekki í öðrum vörudeildum ......... 206,6 Samtals 1 429 610.7 110,8 - - 231 628 9 959,6 1 704 1 899 8 944 014 2 013,9 11 825 13 725 1 222 016 289 655,7 1 074 955 1 283 362 281 636 256 2,0 6 122 811 7 850 336 1 322 - 6 788 603 8 941 968 _ 1,8 4 741 097 5 349 723 2 532 0,7 8 367 149 9 299 848 2 344 167 575,4 3 278 864 4 347 395 36 634 006 4,6 2 133 987 2 435 229 5 492 4,2 2 587 590 3 193 605 3 014 - 3 244 276 3 517 547 _ 638,6 160 233 179 793 899 123 - 27 469 31 598 _ - 22 608 24 632 _ - 8 997 252 11 789 181 _ 659,8 - - 20 051 512,7 2 021 096 2 163 662 532 273 66 347,6 1 893 736 4 493 811 3 002 193 3 242,1 15 092 039 16 388 407 262 599 2 259,6 944 695 1 079 875 920 915 - 1 297 130 1 527 107 _ - 74 595 306 78 746 170 _ - 149 750 218 970 _ 87 685,0 2 571 3 184 16 496 409 - 723 542 852 091 _ 1 844,2 612 753 714 851 502 382 - 1 374 813 1 642 353 _ - 3 339 809 3 947 546 _ 2 487,3 2 032 939 2 216 224 1 730 474 - 4 904 038 5 064 749 _ 0,5 2 927 483 3 263 394 558 - 3 140 067 3 992 262 _ - 254 416 281 553 _ - 8 648 298 9 598 731 _ 25,0 1 735 265 1 969 094 22 893 730,8 634 872 672 311 5 863 151 - 4 518 708 5 079 858 _ 1,4 8 328 866 9 933 327 11 329 827,0 11 041 103 13 178 474 393 228 1 221,8 16 504 680 17 810201 5 676 265 11,1 6 512 202 8 496 816 47 253 25 309,3 14 151 523 16 442 591 8 058 159 67 318,3 3 156 376 3 367 878 54 185 804 - 16 423 730 18 189 679 _ - 6 323 299 6 644 122 _ 29,0 12 679 387 13 636 178 247 608 - 2 415 498 2 592 270 _ - 22 116 580 23 565 678 _ - 2 441 182 2 573 199 _ - 6 845 989 7 207 430 _ 0,2 24 659 621 26 628 858 954 - 21 662 879 24 796 415 _ 10871,2 24415 177 24 496 295 4 492 569 0,1 2 334 634 2 618 442 497 4,5 6 751 751 7 815 853 24 659 - 972 395 1 050 292 _ 510,0 14 882 361 15 770 049 12 255 375 0,0 4 819 590 5 229 971 222 - 5 077 721 5 296 360 _ - 3 403 084 3 582 996 _ 139,0 14 566 969 16 244 948 655 907 5 218,1 774 293 817 241 967 460 747 222,9 431 664 639 480 161 607 445 952 934 l) Pyngd innflutnings er netto weight of imports and exports is counted net. * Heiti vörudeildar stytt, sjá texta á bls. 22* í inngangi. Verslunarskýrslur 1980 3 og útflutnings 1980, eftir vörudeildum. 1980 by divisions of íhe SITC, Rev. 2. o k ^3 Divisions 00 Live animals chiefly for food 01 Meat and meat preparations 02 Dairy products and birds’ eggs 03 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs, and preparations thereof 04 Cereals and cereal preparations 05 Vegetables and fruit 06 Sugar, sugar preparations and honey 07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof 08 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals) 09 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 11 Beverages 12 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures 21 Hides, skins and furskins, raw 22 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruit 23 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed) 24 Cork and wood 25 Pulp and waste paper 26 Textile fibres (other than wool tops) and their wastes (not manufactured into yarn or fabric) 27 Crude fertilizers and crude minerals (excluding coal, petroleum and precious stones) 28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 29 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n. e. s. 32 Coal, coke and briquettes 33 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials 34 Gas, natural and manufactured 41 Animal oils and fats 42 Fixed vegetable oils and fats 43 Animal and vegetable oils and fats, processed, and waxes of animal or vegetable origin 51 Organic chemicals 52 Inorganic chemicals 53 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 54 Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 55 Essential oils and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations 56 Fertilizers, manufactured 57 Explosives and pyrotechnic products 58 Artificial resins and plastic materials, and cellulose esters and ethers 59 Chemical materials and products, n. e. s. 61 Leather, leather manufactures, n. e. s. and dressed furskins 62 Rubber manufactures, n. e. s. 63 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture) 64 Paper, paperboard, and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard 65 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n. e. s., and related products 66 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n. e. s. 67 lron and steel 68 Non-ferrous metals 69 Manufactures of metal, n. e. s. 71 Power generating machinery and equipment 72 Machinery specialized for particular industries 73 Metalworking machinery 74 General industrial machinery and equipment, n. e. s. and machine parts, n. e. s. 75 Office machines and automatic data processing equipment 76 Telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment 77 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n. e. s., and electrical parts thereof (including nc 78 Road vehicles (including air cushion vehicles) 79 Other transport equipment 81 Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n. e. s. 82 Furniture and parts thereof 83 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers 84 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories 85 Footwear 87 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n. e. s. 88 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n. e. s.; watches and clocks 89 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n. e. s. 9 Commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in the SITC i-electrical counterparts, n. e. s.. [of electrical household type equipment)
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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