Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1987, Blaðsíða 24
Verslunarskýrslur 1986
4. yfirlit. (frh.). Skipting innflutningsins 1986, eftir notkun vara og landaflokkum.
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
13 Rekstrarvörur til vinnslu sjávarafurða 924 472 907 254 072 10 300 3 064 741 267 1,6
13-61 13-62 Salt Öskjur, pappír, strigi o. þ. h. til um- - - 179 107 63 8 374 179 552 0,4
búöa - 922 288 999 249 232 9 988 1 890 551 031 1,2
13-63 Hnífar o. þ. h - 2 4 801 4 777 304 800 10 684 0,0
14 14-71 Ymsar rekstrarvörur ót. a Hrávörur og rekstrarvörur til plast- 569 5 471 2 255 553 1 006 351 206 137 284 780 3 758 861 8,2
iðnaöar - 39 318 266 210 898 5 628 1 128 535 959 1,2
14-72 Hrávörur til efnagerða - 1 285 215 056 151 206 10 354 5 735 383 636 0,8
14-73 Hrávörurtil málningarverksmiðja ... - 186 194 053 59 943 9 753 2 136 266 071 0,6
14-74 14-75 Hrávörur til dúka- og skóverksmiðja Efnivörur og rekstrarvörur til annars 5 133 090 14 508 7 884 194 072 349 559 0,8
iðnaðar 186 2 489 909 011 449 704 97 764 31 676 1 490 830 3,2
14-76 14-77 Efnivörur til viðgerðarþjónustu Efnivörur til annarra atvinnugreina en 211 1 094 259 913 73 586 42 656 24 739 402 199 0.9
iðnaðar 167 378 226 164 46 506 32 098 25 294 330 607 0,7
15 Eldsneyti og smurningsolíur 2 226 087 8 362 1 487 781 154 532 40 894 1 148 3 918 804 8,5
15-81 Bensín (ekki flugvélabensín) 669 797 - 207 861 - _ _ 877 658 1,9
15-82 Flugvélabensín - - 27 607 _ _ - 27 607 0,1
15-83 Þotueldsneyti - - 423 163 41 605 _ _ 464 768 1,0
15-84 Gasolía 1 098 708 _ 540 787 87 447 _ _ 1 726 942 3,7
15-88 Brennsluolía 457 582 _ _ _ - _ 457 582 1,0
15-85 15-86 Smurningsolíur Annað eldsneyti (kol, gas, rafmagn, o. - 3 262 850 9 472 2 436 1 143 275 904 0,6
s. frv.) ót. a _ 8 359 25 513 16 008 38 458 5 88 343 0,2
15-87 D. Óhreinsaðar olíur Skip, flugvélar og flugvélahlutar.
16 Skip og flugvélar - - 1 002 381 587 434 521 766 208 2 111 789 4,6
16-90 Varðskip - - - - - - - -
16-91 Fiskiskip - 802 901 438 378 - - 1 241 279 2,7
16-92 Farskip - - 69 542 - - 69 542 0,1
16-93 16-94 Skemmti-og sportför Dráttarskip og -bátar, dýpkunar- og 2 760 1 926 567 5 253 0,0
dæluskip, o. fl - 4 809 - - 4 809 0,0
16-95 Aðrir bátar og skip - 21 920 1 932 2 624 41 26 517 0,1
16-98 16-99 Flugvélar(þarmcðsvifflugur) Loftbelgir, fallhlífar og hlutar til flug- _ — 94 344 75 200 136 482 — 306 026 0,7
véla - ~ 75 647 456 382 093 167 458 363 1,0
Innflutningur alls itnports total 2607005 422560 24299567 9462366 3208469 5905263 45905230 100,0
Translation of headings: 1: USSR. 2: other East-European countrics. 3: EEC countries. 4: EFTA countries. 5: USA. 6: all other
countries. 7: total. 8: perccntages.
Translation of text lines: 01: non-durable consumption goods. 01—01: food, beveragcs and tobacco. 01—02: clothing, textile
materials. Headgear. 01—03: footwear. 01—04: cleaning materials, materials for personal carc and drugs. 01—05: spare parts (for
cars, domestic appliances, car tyres). 01—06: other non-durable goods (mainly personal cquipment). 01—07: other non-durable
goods for houschold use n.e.s. 01—09: non-durablc goods for public consumption. 01—10: retumed goods etc. 02: durable
consumption goods. 02—11: cutlery, crockery and glassware. Pots, pans etc. 02—12: domestic appliances (excl. electric cookers.).
02—13: fumiturc, lamps etc. 02—14: durablc pcrsonal cquipmcnt (e.g. watches). sports equipmcnt etc. 02—15: durable goods for
public consumption. 03: passenger cars etc. 03—16: passenger cars, new and used. 03—17: jeeps. 03—18: motorcycles and bicydes.
04: other transport equipment. 04—19: public servicc vehides, ambulances. fircengincs etc. (excl. cemcnt mixers). 04—20: trucks and
delivery cars 05: other machines and tools. 05—21: machines and tools for building work (ind. land reclamation work). 05—22:
machincs for use in clcctricity works (cxcl. construction work). 05—23: office machinery, computors, machinery used in laboratories,
hospitals, ctc. 05—24: agricultural machincry (incl. tractors). 05—25: machines for use in fish processing. 05—26: machines and
implemcnts uscd in fishing (incl. navigation aids). 05—27: machines uscd for the production of invcstment goods (e.g. in machine
shops, ship construction, Cement Works). 05—28: machines used for the production of consumption goods. 05—29: machines and
equipment for the chemical industry (incl. the Fertilizer Plant). 05—30: machinery n.e.s. 06: other investment goods. 06—31:
investment goods for agriculturc (incl. mink for brecding). 06—32: investmcnt goods used in construction industries. Cookers. 06—
36: other invcstmcnt goods (c.g. for use in telccommunication services, but excl. machinery). 06—37: other investment goods n.c.s.