Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1988, Síða 24
Verslunarskýrslur 1987
4. yfirlit. (frh.). Skipting innflutningsins 1987 eftir notkun vara og landaflokkum.
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
13 Rekstrarvörur til vinnsiu sjávarafurðai 5 506 629 279 211 825 17 366 3 200 867 176 1.4
13-61 13-62 Salt Öskjur, pappír, strigi o. þ. h. til um- - 215 177 59 1 49 215 286 0,4
búða - 5 457 407 376 205 980 17 071 1 951 637 835 1.0
13-63 Hnífar o. þ. h - 49 6 726 5 786 294 1 200 14 055 0.0
14 14-71 Ýmsar rekstrarvörur ót. a Hrávörur og rckstrarvörur til plast- 229 10 764 2 838 549 1 103 384 281 300 366 479 4 600 705 7,5
iðnaðar - 8 434 752 213 240 12 295 4 037 664 332 1.1
14-72 Hrávörur til efnagcrða - 1 346 268 228 87 849 7 207 15 172 379 802 0,6
14-73 Hrávörur til málningarvcrksmiöja . . - 29 225 094 64 048 14 895 2 184 306 250 0,5
14-74 14-75 Hrávörur til dúka- og skóvcrksmiðja Efnivörur og rckstrarvörur til annars - 150 147 481 39 805 15 552 234 946 437 934 0,7
iðnaðar 130 6 076 1 156 916 562 063 134 270 45 217 1 904 672 3.1
14-76 14-77 Efnivörur til viðgcrðarþjónustu Efnivörur til annarra atvinnugrcina cn 79 2 684 327 109 83 538 50 996 30 884 495 290 0,8
iðnaðar 20 471 278 969 52 841 46 085 34 039 412 425 0,7
15 Eldsneyti og smurningsolíur 2 018 580 61 577 1 885 968 68 821 47 616 790 4 083 352 6,7
15-81 Bcnsín (ckki flugvclabcnsín) 549 841 - 278 969 - - - 828 810 1.4
15-82 Flugvclabcnsín - - 24 574 - - - 24 574 0,0
15-83 Potucldsncyti - - 703 014 - - - 703 014 1.1
15-84 Gasolía 1 101 365 61 577 601 485 48 437 - 7 1 812 871 3,0
15-88 Brcnnsluolía 367 374 - 271 - - - 367 645 0,6
15-85 15-86 Smurningsolíur Annað cldsncyti (kol, gas, rafmagn, o. 265 110 7 558 8 033 768 281 469 0.5
s. frv.) ót. a - - 12 545 12 826 39 583 15 64 969 0.1
15-87 Óhrcinsaðar olíur - _ - _ _ _ - -
D. 16 Skip, flugvélar og flugvélahlutar. Skip og flugvélar _ 399 847 1 141 567 1 904 572 359 645 71 806 3 877 437 6,3
16-90 Varðskip - - - - -
16-91 Fiskiskip - 399 847 778 849 1 882 191 - 39 900 3 HK) 787 5.1
16-92 Farskip - - 221 500 - - - 221 5(X) 0.4
16-93 Skcmmti- og sportför - 5 118 8 518 188 13 824 0.0
16-94 Dráttarskip og -bátar, dýpkunar- og dæluskip, o. fl _ _ 25 714 _ _ _ 25 714 0.0
16-95 Aðrir bátar og skip - 39 332 12 490 3 364 528 55 714 0.1
16-98 Flugvclar (þar mcð svifflugur) - - 1 321 501 41 220 28 184 71 226 0.1
16-99 Loftbclgir, fallhlífar og hlutar til flug- vcla - - 69 733 872 314 873 3 194 388 672 0,6
Innflutningur alls imports total 2573564 1064287 31898850 12648272 4367065 8679591 61231629 100,0
Trunslation of heudin^s: 1. USSR 2: othcr Hast-Europcan countrics. 3: EEC countries. 4 EFTA countncs. 5: USA. 6: all other
countrics. 7: total. N: pcrccntagcs.
Trunslution of text lines: 01: non-durable consumption goods. 01—01: food. hcvcragcs and tobacco. 01—02: clothing. tcxtilc
matcrials. Hcadgcar. 01—03: footwcar 01—4M: clcaning matcrials. inatcrials for pcrsonal carc and drugs 01—05: spare parts (for
cars. domcstic apphanccs. car tyrcs). 01—06: othcr non-durablc goods (mainly pcrsonal cquipmcnt). 01—07: other non-durablc
goods for houschold usc n.c.s. 01—09: non-durablc goods for public consumption. 01—10: rcturncd goods ctc. 02: durable
consumption goods. 02—II: cutlcfy. crockcry and glasswarc. Pots. pans ctc. 02 -12: domestic appliances (cxcl. clcctric cookcrs ).
02—13: furniturc. lamps ctc. (12—14: durablc pcrsonal cquipmcnt (c.g. watchcs). sports equipmcnt ctc. 02—15: durablc goods for
public consumption. 03: passenger cars etc. 03—16: passenger cars. ncw and uscd. 03—17: jeeps. 03—18: motorcyclcs and bicyclcs.
04: other transport equipment. 04—19: public servicc vehiclcs. ambulanccs. tirccngincs etc. (cxd. ccmcnt mixcrs). 04—20: trucks and
dclivcry cars. 05: other machines and tools. 05—21: machincs and tools for building work (incl. land rcclamation work) 05—22:
machincs for use in clcctricity works (cxd. construction work). 05—23: officc machincry. computors. machinery uscd in laboratories.
hospitals, ctc. 05—24: agricultural machincry (incl. tractors). 05—25: machincs for usc in fish processing. 05 -26: machines and
implcmcnts used in fishing (ind navigation aids). 05-—27: muchincs uscd for ihe production of invcstmcnt goods (c.g. in machine
shops. ship construction. Ccment Works). 05—28 machincs uscd for thc production of consumption goods. 05—29: machincs and
cquipmcnt for the chcmical industry (incl. thc Fcrtilizer Plant). 05—30: machinery n.c.s. 06: other investment goods. 06—31:
invcstinent goods for agriculturc (incl mink for brccding). 06—32: investmcnt goods uscd in construction industrics. Cookcrs. 06—
36: othcr invcstmcnt goods (c.g. for usc in tclccommunication serviccs. but excl machincry). 06—37 othcr invcstmcnt gor»ds n.c.s