Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1990, Side 423
Verslunarskýrslur 1988
flokkum og markaðssvæðum árið 1988
categories and market areas in 1988
ríkin Japan Önnur lönd Samtals
other countries total
6.891,7 4.007,4 1.101,9 41.771,2 Food and beverages 1
0,9 19,6 1,0 74,7 Primary, mainly for industry 111
865,7 1.252,1 496,2 21.512,3 Prim., mainly for household consumption 112
- - 7,0 1.172,2 Processed, mainly for industry 121
6.025,1 2.735,6 597,7 19.012,0 Proc., mainly for household consumption 122
629,3 632,3 1.103,0 15.502,1 Industrial supplies n.e.s 2
0,5 17,9 82,6 1.090,8 Primary 210
628,8 614,4 1.020,3 14.411,3 Processed 220
_ _ _ 1,3 Fuels and lubricants 3
- - - - Primary 310
- - - - Motor spirit 321
- - - 1,3 Other processed fuels and lubricants 322
22,3 1,1 206,9 500,4 Capital goods (excl. transport equipment). 4
22,0 1,0 193,1 432,0 Capital goods (excel. transport equipment) 410
0,3 0,0 13,8 68,4 Parts and accessories 420
572,3 - 166,7 2.482,9 Transport equipment 5
- - 7,6 13,0 Passenger motor cars 510
- - 0,8 0,8 Oher transport equipment, industrial 521
- - - - Other transport equipment, non-industrial 522
0,4 - 0,4 5,7 Parts and accessories 530
- - 93,2 435,2 Ships 540
571,9 - 64,7 2.028,1 Aeroplanes and other aircraft 550
238,1 64,7 128,8 1.106,5 Consumer goods n.e.s 6
16,3 0,4 2,3 71,1 Durable 610
197,3 63,4 73,7 905,1 Semi-durable 620
24,5 0,9 52,8 130,0 Non-durable 630
19,0 1,1 5,0 302,3 Goods n.e.s 7
19,0 1,1 5,0 302,3 Goods n.e.s 700
8.372,6 4.706,5 2.712,3 61.666,7 Total