Hagskýrslur um dómsmál - 01.01.1978, Blaðsíða 5
I n n g a n gu r/introduction. Bls.
1. Almennar athugasemdir/general statement............ ................................. 5
2. Opinber mál í Reykjavik/criminal cases in Reykjavík.................................. 5
3. Opinber mál utan Reykjavíkur/criminal ca^ses outside Reykjavík....................... 9
4. Einkamál og önnur domsmálastörf héraðsdómara.svo ogsattamál og lögreglusektir/ civil
cases etc........................................................................... 10
5. Mál fyrir Siglingadómi/cases before the Maritime Court of Iceland................... 12
6. Mál fyrirHæstaretti/cases before the Supreme Court..................................... 12
T ö f lu r/ tables.
1. Sakadómsmál f Reykjavik 19T2-74 vegna brots gegn hegningarlögum (sáttir og dómarjog
sérrefsilögum (dómar aðeins). eftir tegundum afbrota/criminal court cases in Reykjavík
1972-74 involving offence against the penal code (ticket fines and judgements)and other
penal laws (judgements only), by type of offence.................................... 14
2. Sakadómsmal ÍReykjavfk 1972-74: Akærðum skipt eftir afbrotaflokkum, aldri og kyni/
criminal court cases in Reykjavfk 1972-74; Persons proceeded against by offence group,
age and sex;.......................................................................... 16
3. Sakadómsmál f Reykjavík 1972-74: Ákærðum skipt eftir afbrotaflokki og atvinnu/crimi-
nal court cases in Reykjavík 1972-74; Persons proceeded against by offence group and
occupation.......................................................................... 18
4. Sakadómsmál f Reykjavfk 1972-74: Málum skipt eftir afbrotaflokki og tfmalengd/crimi-
nal court cases in Reykjavík 1972-74: Cases by offence group and duration of proœedings 20
5. Sakadómsmál f Reykjavfk 1972-74 samkvæmt dómahluta kærubókar: Tala mála vegna
brots gegn öðrum íögum en hegningarlögum/criminal court cases in Reykjavík 1972-74
according to the judgement part of the charge-book: Number of cases involving offence
against other penal laws than the penal code, by type............................... 22
6. Sakadómsmál f Reykjavík 1972-74 samkvæmt sattahluta kærubokar: Tala mála vegna
brots gegn sérrefsilögum, afgreidd með sátt/ criminal court cases in Reykjavfk 1972-74
according to the ticket fine part of the charge-book: Number of cases involving offence
against other penal laws than the penal code, settled by ticket fine........%....... 22
7. Sakadómsmál f Reykjavfk 1972-74 samkvæmt sáttahluta kærubókar: Tala mála vegna
brots gegn sérrefsilögum afgreidd öðru vfsi en með sátt/criminalcourtcases in Reykjavfk
1972-74 according to the ticket fine part of the charge-book: Number of cases against
other penal laws tnan the penal code, not resulting in a ticket fine, by outcome ...... 23
8A.Opinber mál 1972-74 ejtir umdæmum utan Reykjavíkur: Brot gegn hegningarlögum(sátt-
ir og dómar) og gegn sérrefsilögum (dómar aðeins)/criminal cases 1972-74 by jurisdic-
tions outside Reykjavfk: Offences against the penal code (ticket fines and judgements)
and against other penal laws (judgements only)........................................... 24
8B .Opinber mál 1972-74 eftir umdæmum utan Reykjavíkur: Sáttirvegna brots gegn sérrefsi-
lögum/criminal cases 1972-74 by jurisdictions outside Reykjavfk: Offences against other
penal laws^than the penal code, settled by ticket fine................................... 25
9. Opinber mál utan Reykjavfkur 1972-74 vegna brots gegn hegningarlögum^sáttir og dóm-
ar) og sérrefsilögum (domar aðeins), eftir tegundum brots og afdrifum mála/ criminal
cases 1972-74 outside Reykjavík involving offence against the penal code (ticket fines
and judgements) and against other penal laws (judgements only), by type of offence and
outcome of cases ........................................................................ 26
10. Umdæmi utan Reykjavíkur 1972-74: Akærðir fyrir hegningarlagabrot eftir kyni, aldri,
atvinnu og tegund afbrots/jurisdictions outside Reykjavík 1972-74: Persons proceeded
against for penal code offence, by sex, age, occupation and type of offence ...... 28
11. Umdæmi utan Reykjavíkur 1972-74: Sáttir vegnabrotsgegn sérrefsilögum.eftir tegund af-
brots/jurisdictions outside Reykjavfk 1972-74: Offences against other penal lawsthan the
penal code, settled by ticket finev by type of offence ........................... 29
12. Tala einkamála við almenna og sérstaka undirréttardómstóla 1972-74,eftir umdæmum/
number of civil cases in ordinary and special courts of first instance 1972-74, by juris-
dictions.......................................................................... 30