Jökull - 01.12.1969, Side 61
0 = the cubical dilation = \7 • *
é; = displacement vector
L p = Lamé’s constants
Substituting (14) into (13) results in the expres-
R = h[(l + (t)V(V-ð + iiV2f] (15)
It is suggested that (15) could be more ap-
propriate than (12) for describing the internal
stresses in a solid sheet of ice. However, both
expressions assume continous sheets of ice and
are therefore not valid for low concentration
°f ice. For the present discussion Equation (15)
will be used, and the case of low ice concentra-
tion left for later study.
All forces acting on the ice have now been
defined, and the equation of motion (1) be-
01h -r^- = Oa Ca Var val. + esCs v51. Vsl.
dt2 11 1
+ h <j Qi [f Vj X k + V (AD)0]
+ [(*• + [t) V (V • i) + lt V~€\ 1”
Some of the terms in this equation lrave
coefficients wiiich normally are taken as con-
stants, but which generally must be considered
to be functions of the ice concentration. The
tnternal stresses have been discussed briefly
above frorn this standpoint. It also seems prob-
able that the friction coefficients, Ca and Cs,
will both increase as ice concentration de-
creases. The equation is therefore coupled with
the ice concentration which again is coupled
with the ice movenrent as shown in the next
The ice concentration is definecl as the frac-
tion of the sea surface covered by ice and will
here be denoted by c. Zero ice concentration
will therefore indicate ice free sea and 1.0
rneans a continuous, solid ice cover. In practice
the concentration is given as the number of
tenths of the surface area covered (e.g. c =
Figure 3 shows a point on the sea surface,
P (x, y), surrounded by tlie surface element
ABCD of size Ax ■ Ay. The ice concentration
at P at tlie time t is c and the ice velocity is
Vj = u i + v j
where u and v are the velocity components in
the x and y directions respectively, and i and
j are the unit vectors in the same directions.
The area of the ice at the time t within tlie
element ABCD is therefore
A(t) = c -Ax • Ay (IV)
Somewhat later, at time t + At, the area is
A (t + At) = (c + — At) • Ax • Ay
= c•Ax• Ay
+ ice inflow
— ice outflow
+ ice formation
— ice melting
y (i8)
From Fig. 3 the following expression is ob-
Inflowr — Outflow
= — V . (cvj) -Ax-AyAt (19)
where all higher order terms have been omitt-
ed. Formation of fresh ice or melting of ice
depends on weather conditions, and generallv
one or the other is taking place. The net in-
crease of ice area per unit sea area will be
denotecl by Q. Its value is positive for the case
JÖKULL. 19. AR 57