Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Side 60

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Side 60
Frans-Arne Stylegar also to the transition from thralldom to tenant farming (Stylegar 2001:30-32). The same trajectory - i.e. an 'original' set- tlement structure dominated by large, complex estate-like settlements - could be the answer to some of Clouston's questions regarding the Orkney town- ships, too, and it is one possible explana- tion for 'the considerably greater areas' than single farms being fenced off in many areas in the Scottish Northem isles. What is the relevance of all this for the Icelandic earthworks, then? Well, the suggested similarities between these earthworks and the great chains of hill dykes in W Norway and the Scottish Northem isles, logically lead to a number of questions, the answering of which might help us to throw new light on the Viking Age and Medieval settlement structure in Iceland. I will conclude by asking some of these questions. Are the perceived similarities between, on the one hand, the Icelandic earthworks and, on the other, the great chains of hill dykes in W Norway and in Orkney, superfícial, or can they be shown to be more substantial? And, if the latter is the case, what kind of settlement stmc- ture and/or farming system can account for the similarities? Do the transverse earthworks represent a younger phase than the horizontal ones, perhaps indicat- ing that huge areas originally demarcated by the horizontal earthworks, were breaking up? Is it possible that the dyke systems incorporated whole landnams? Was the Icelandic landnam society aristo- cratic and estate-based already from the outset - and was the 'virgin' landscape of Iceland organized after Scandinavian, specifically W Norwegian, models - as I suspect the Orkney landscape, by no means a 'virgin' landscape at the time of the Norse landnam, was (see Stylegar in press)? 58
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