Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Síða 65

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Síða 65
Note on Organic Content of Turf Walls in Skagafjörður, Iceland structures can be completely buried, with little sign of their existence on the ground surface. If leaching causes a substantial reduction in organic content (e.g., Kortelainen and Saukkonen 1998) of a particular class of structures (e.g., small and very early farmsteads) then the iden- tification of these structures using any type of remote sensing could be impossi- ble or at least biased. On the other hand, it may be that some proportion of the organic content of turf walls are consistently preserved. If that is true, then measurements of the organic content of buried turf walls may yield information on a number of different issues ranging from dating to economic wherewithal. Unfortunately, the data collected and processed so far only hints at some of the possible applications of measures of the organic content of turf walls. If eluviation causes slow and regular leaching of the organic content of buried turf walls then the organic content may correlate positively with the age of the turf structure. That is, organic content could vary with age because once removed from their aseptic environment, the organic content of turfs will begin to reduce. Under this scenario, lower organic content would indicate an older wall. Conversely, if organic content does not leach very rapidly and the bog where the turf is removed receives ever-increas- ing inorganic content from highland ero- sion (e.g., Guðbergsson 1996), then organic content may be inversely corre- lated with age. That would mean that the earliest walls would have very high organic contents because they were built with turf that had not yet received inor- ganic matter from the human induced erosion associated with the settlement. Organic content could also indicate the quality of the building or be a proxy for the wealth of the builders. While bogs are ubiquitous in Iceland, it may be that good turf is scarce. Turf cutting and house building are a labor intensive activities best done during the summer, when that activity would compete with the grass harvest. It may be that the bet- ter the turf, the less often it needs to be replaced or repaired. Using the sturdiest, warmest turf would increase the overall efficiency of a farmstead. It could be that only the wealthy could obtain the best turf. If good turf is only somewhat scarce, then it may be that only the most important buildings were constructed out of the best turf. Therefore, depending on the relative abundance of good turf, organic content may be positively corre- lated with wealth. Organic content could also become more variable with structure occupation length. Turf houses that are occupied for a long time (several generations) are usu- ally rebuilt piecemeal over the life of the house. If the organic content of bogs varies from year to year or from bog to bog, then the overall variation in organic content within a single structure could yield some relative measure of the length of time a structure was used or the num- ber of times it was rebuilt. Finally, and least desirable, the organ- ic content of turf in buried archaeological contexts could be so complex or could be so sensitive to local environmental dif- ferences that measurements of organic 63
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Archaeologia Islandica

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