Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Side 76
Orri Vésteinsson
The distribution of farmhouse excavations in Iceland
| Fieldwork dates | Site status | Notes on dating Dating methods References
Bergþórshvoll 1926-28, 1931, 1950-51 Middle Viking age to early modem C14, typology, artefacts Eldjám & Gestsson 1952
Bessastaðir 1986-96 High Viking age to 18lh c. C14, tephra, typology, artefacts, documents Ólafsson 1991: Amorosi et al. 1992
Reykholt 1987-89; 1998- 2003 High High medieval to 19Sc. C14, typology, artefacts, documents Buckland et al. 1992; Sveinbjamardóttir 2001,2003
Suðurgata 1971-75, 1983 Middle Viking age to 15,h c. C14, tephra Nordahl 1988; Sigurðardóttir 1987
Stóraborg 1978-91 Middle High'medieval to 19lh c. typology, artefacts, documents Snæsdóttir 1989, 1991, 1992
Viðey 1986-94 High Viking age to 18lh c. C14, typology, artefacts, documents Hallgrímsdóttir 1991; Kristjánsdóttir 1995
Viking age
Aðalstræti 1971-75,2001- 2003 Middle 9,h i oth c C14, tephra Nordahl 1988; Roberts et al. 2003
Bólstaður 1931 Low- middle typology Þórðarson 1932
Eiríksstaðir 1895, 1938, 1997-2002 Low 10lh c. typology, C14 Erlingsson 1899, Þórðarson 1964, Ólafsson 1998
Goðatættur 1969,1971 Low- middle C14, tephra, typology, artefacts Eldjárn 1989,128-57
Granastaðir 1987-91 Low- middle 10,h c. tephra, C14 Einarsson 1994
Grelutóttir 1977-78 Low 10lh c. C14 Ólafsson 1980
Hvítárholt 1963-67 middle tephra, artefacts, typology Magnússon 1973
Hofstaðir í Garðahreppi 1994-99 Middle Tephra, artefacts
Hofstaðir í Mývatnssveit 1908, 1992-2002 High Between c. 950 and 1158 tephra Bruun & Jónsson 1909,1911; Friðriksson & Vésteinsson 1997, 1998a-b; Friðriksson et al. 2004
Isleifsstaðir 1939 Middle- High typology Stenberger 1943b
Klaufanes 1940 Low typology Eldjárn 1943,17-25
Ljósavatn 1896 Low- Middle typology Bruun 1928,47-48.
Skallakot 1939, 2001 Middle- High tephra Roussell 1943a; Gestsdóttir 2002
Table 1. Excavated farmsteads in Iceland, by period. The criteria for inclusion in this table are that the
site in question includes a defmite dwelling which has been excavated to the extent that its size and
shape have been recorded and an illustration exists. The scope of the actual removal of soil is doubt-
ful in some of the earliest investigations. There are a number of other excavations of domestic struc-