Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2004, Qupperneq 113
Excavation in Klaufanes, Northern Iceland
review Eldjam's excavation of
Klaufanes, in order to examine the rela-
tionship between his methodology and
interpretation within the context of his
broader perception of archaeology and
history. I hope this has been demonstrat-
ed; but moreover, I also hope that
through careful analysis of earlier exca-
vations such as Klaufanes, and in partic-
ular, through critical attention to the
methodology, new or altemate interpreta-
tions of sites are possible - based on con-
temporary perspectives as much as hind-
sight. The mins in Klaufanes are on the
Andrésson, Rristinn E. (1966) "Island hefur
enga forsögu, viðtal við dr. Kristján
Eldjám þjóðminjavörð", Tímarit Máls og
menningar, 27. árgangur., 4. hefti, des-
ember 1966.
Einarsson, Bjami F. (1989) "Jaðarbyggð á
Eyj aíj arðardal. V íkingaaldarbærinn
Granastaðir", Súlur 29, 22-77.
Eldjám, Kristján. "Skálarústin í Klaufanesi og
nokkrar aðrar svarfdælskar fornleifar",
Arbók hins íslenzka fornleifafélags 1941-
1942, 17-33.
Eldjárn, Kristján. (1962) Hundrað ár í
list of protected sites (friðlýstar fomleif-
ar) but during a survey in Svarfaðardalur
in 1999 it was discovered that the skáli
and other remains in Klaufanes, except
for a rather recent min of a sheep house,
have been leveled out. It is possible that
some remains could still be found under
the surface but it is unlikely that further
excavation in the area would be fmitful.
Nevertheless, even though we cannot go
back and re-excavate the site, we can, as
this paper demonstrates, 're-excavate’ the
archive and thus see the site in new ways.
Þjóðminjasafni. Reykjavík.
Friðriksson, Adolf. (1994) Sagas and Popular
Antiquarianism in Iceiandic Archaeology.
Hermanns-Auðardóttir, Margrét. (1989)
Islands tidiga bosáttning. Umeá.
ísiensk fornrit IX. (1956) Reykjavík.
"Skálarúst í Klaufanesi í Svarfaðardal:
Merkilegar minjar frá söguöld koma heim
við frásögn Svarfdælu", Mbl. 9 febr. 1941.
Magnússon, Þór. (1983) "Fáein æviatriði dr.
Kristjáns Eldjáms fyrmm þjóðminjavarðar
og forseta Islands", Arbók hins íslenska
fornleifafélags 1982, 7-19.