Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 19

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 19
SOCIAL AND SYMBOLIC LANDSCAPES 1N LATE IrON AGE ICELAND Ingiríðarstaðir in NE-Iceland (Fig. 10), which probably contains more than 10 graves. Why are there these two types? Is it a reflection of dissimilar groups, different origins of people or perhaps a shift in burial tradition? The full answer will not be provided here, but it is interesting to note, that within the clusters there are the short rows of graves. Perhaps cemeteries began as single lines, which then were doubled and multiplied. Sílastaðir (N-Iceland) could be an example of a clus- ter in the making (fig. 11), and perhaps the one excavated at Lyngbrekka (Daðastaðaleiti, NE-Iceland) in 2005 to 2007 as well (fig. 9). But why then did some cemeteries continue to be built up in linear form instead of turning into clusters of graves? Idiosyncratic preference, old- fashioned attitudes? Different social groups, changes of status or political cli- mate? Whatever the reason, cemeteries are symbolic, man-made landscapes. What is particular for Icelandic cemeteries from this period is that the first settlers were also the first to establish these new emblems of social groups in a landscape which had hitherto remained uninhabited. There were no earlier mounds or barrows of previous inhabitants in the island to be reused. Suitable location for dwellings and farming, had to be established as well as the burial ground for the dead. The suc- cess of these new settlements was not only dependent upon choosing appropriate sub- sistence strategies in a new land, but also, conveying the right messages to their (new) neighbours, community and pas- sers-by. Conclusions Ancient grave fields are a challenging topic: graves and grave goods are unique Figure. 7. A sketch of a row burial Jield in Kumlholt, S-Bakki farm in Eyjafjörður N-Iceland. Figure 8. Cemetery D in Berufjörður, NW-Iceland (Mapped by James Taylor and Freya Sadarangani in 2003). evidence for archaeological inquiry, giv- ing access to a great variety of entities which may help to understand past socie- ties. However, the progress in working on Iron Age society in Iceland is thwarted by the fact that the great majority of 17
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Archaeologia Islandica

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