Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 20

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 20
Adolf Friðriksson Figure 9. Cemetery at Lyngbrekka (Daða- staðaleiti), NE-Iceland. (Drawing by H.M. Roberts). known burial sites are severely damaged, or not fully uncovered, or perhaps both. On the other hand there are plenty of new fíndings which will hopefully encourage further research. The available information suggests that pagan burial sites in Iceland com- prise a) a single burial, b) a small group (2-5) of graves or c) a “large” group (c. 10). Whether the single burials were also unique in any social or cultural sense in the past remains to be studied. However, the great majority of sites are those of small groups of graves. Whether the groups were big or small, the graves were carefully arranged in a harmonious way. The basic form is a straight line of graves, end-to-end, with c. 5 m intervals. We do not know why this form was cho- sen. The reasons may have been more than one. Since most burials are located by and are running parallel to old tracks and routes, one might postulate that the Figure 10. Cluster cemetery at Ingiríðarstaðir, NE-Iceland (Drawing by H.M. Roberts). basic linear form of a grave fíeld is not a preferred, particular design with a sophis- ticated meaning, but that the graves were simply put alongside a more-or-less straight road. Thus, the importance rather being the relationship between death and voyage in the after-life. On the other hand, it is not certain that all linear grave fields were placed beside routes, or, for that matter, that the adjacent road pre- dates the funerary site. Some of the grave fields are better described as clusters rather than linear, although within a cluster, the graves are arranged systematically into several par- allel lines. Clusters are found in similar locations as linear grave fields and the formation does not seem to be deter- 18
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Archaeologia Islandica

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