Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 69

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 69
Note on barley found at Reynistaður Iron pan Tephra Layers ------»00------ —1+04- -+000- I: Humus 2: Organic layer (similar to 5) no clay lenses 3: Clay and turf 4: Red peatash 5:Compressed organic lenses (6 bands) -each about 3 cm think -separated by 3 cm think layer of clay 6: Clay lenses(mottled) 7: Sand and ash with some charcoal (1000 within) 8-10: Banded layers with charcoal I I: LNL with organic lenses 12: H3/H4 tephra 13: River sand 14: Unknown white tephra Figure 4. Southem profile at Reynistaðw: remains. A four-liter sediment sample from each of the layers was processed with a froth flotation device, and floating materials were captured in fme mesh cloth. Both the light and heavy fractions of the lowest cultural layer of the midden in the southern profde, Layer 11, was examined under 10 - 40x magnifícation with a Bausch and Lomb dissecting microscope, and identifications were ver- ifíed by comparison with reference col- lections housed at the Fiske Center Paleoethnobotany Lab and with pub- lished sources (Hoadley 1990; Martin and Barkley 1961; Montgomery 1977). Results From Layer 11, we recovered charred and uncharred seeds, charred and uncharred.dung, and charred and partially charred wood (Table 1). A 20-piece sam- ple of the charred wood yielded birch (Betulá), willow family (Salicaceae), conifer, and an unidentified diffuse porous wood, possibly rowan. Among the seeds, we found hulled six-row barley (Hordeum vulgare). These remains included charred and partially charred rachis fragments, the part of the plant that holds the kemel to the spike or ear. We also recovered seeds from herbaceous 67
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Archaeologia Islandica

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