Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 76
Examples of References:
McGovem, T. H. (1994) "Management
for Extinction in Norse Greenland",
in: Cmmley, C. L. (ed.) Historical
Ecology. Cultural Knowledge and
Changing Landscapes, pp.127-154,
Santa Fe: School of American
Research Press.
Morris, C.D. and Rackham, D.J. eds.
(1992) Norse and Later Settlement
andSubsistence in the North Atlantic,
Glasgow: University of Glasgow
Snæsdóttir, Mjöll. (1989) "Stóraborg. En
presentation", Hikuin XV, 53-58.
Sveinbjarnadóttir, Guðrún. (1992) Farrn
Abandonment in Medieval and Post-
Medieval Iceland: an
Interdisciplinary Study (Oxbow
Monograph 17), Oxford: Oxbow.
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