Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 52

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2009, Blaðsíða 52
Richard E. Hughes and Gavin M. Lucas 150 125 100 E -Q oc 50 25 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Nb (ppm) Figure 5. Rb vs. Nb Composition of Obsidian Artifacts from Hofstaðir. Dashed lines demarcate the range of composition measured in geological samples. Open circles represent measurement for single obsidian source standards. Filled triangles represent measurements for Hofstaðir arti- facts from Table 2. Error bars are 2-sigma (95% confidence) error estimates for artifacts and single obsidian source standards. The numbers of artifact plots do not correspond exactly to the number of specimens in Table 2 because of data convergence at this scale. Krafla £ Katla Torfajökull Kerlingarfjöll Hágöngur i r theless distinct from other sources. Although Kerlingerfjöll and Katla over- lap slightly in Rb/Nb composition (Figure 5) their Sr/Y concentrations are quite dif- ferent (Figure 4). Based on these trace element data, it is apparent that all four artifacts were manufactured from obsidi- an of the Krafla chemical type. Conclusion, Future Studies, and Related Research Issues Results of this study show that, obsidian from the Krafla area, located about 25 km northeast from Flofstaðir (see Figure 1) was used to manufacture all four arti- facts analyzed from the site. Given the proximity of Flofstaðir to the Krafla obsidian source this result might have been expected but, though we now know something about local use, we have little empirical information about how far obsidian of this chemical type may have traveled during different time periods. To our knowledge, no other obsidian arti- facts from different time periods in Iceland have been subjected to trace ele- ment analysis, so we do not know wheth- er these Hofstaðir results are typical of- 50
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Archaeologia Islandica

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