Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Síða 27

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Síða 27
BUILDING AND KEEPING HOUSE IN 19TH-CENTURY ICELAND. DOMESTIC IMPROVEMENTS AT HORNBREKKA, SKAGAFJÖRÐUR Fig 9 Heart shaped clasp from the midden at Hornbrekka ‘improved’ material conditions. The wooden floors may not have been cleaned, the glass windows may have been left broken and the ceramics may not have been in matching sets but these changes were an important aspect of people’s engagement with cultural changes and importantly provide an alternative, comparative and sometimes contradictory narrative to the one that can be gleaned from documentary evidence alone. Conclusion The archaeological excavation at Hornbrekka revealed a wealth of information about life at the farm during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this paper we have discussed some of the interpretive trends that can be discemed through working through and analysing this assemblage. These trends portray a picture of households engaged in a variety of activities, some of which were very specific to their localized farm and their particular households, such as the shoring up of a slumping wall, while others indicate wider changes in Icelandic society such as the purchasing of new types of material culture, crockery and window glass. Both sets of activities, however, tell us how people, ‘on the ground’ engaged and interacted with changing conditions and serve to complicate as well as to compliment broader stroked narratives of global and national developments. People experience their world through everyday activities and those are the venues of coping with and instigating change. Many of these activities are well preserved in the rich archaeological record which needs to be explored alongside the much better studied textual archive. We argue that building and keeping house were 25
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Archaeologia Islandica

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