Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Síða 42

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Síða 42
SÓLVEIG GUÐMUNDSDÓTTIR BECK and sometimes the larger swan feather shafts were also used as straws or tooth picks (table 1; Jónasson 1945, 196; Óla 1974, 142; Ólafsson and Pálsson 1981, 128; Horrebow 1966, 128; ÞÞ 6307). According to Hanson (2011, 234-236) quill pens had become a common commodity in Europe in the early 7th century. Primaries from geese were most commonly used while feathers from e.g. turkeys, eagles and crows were also used on occasion. In Gilsfjörður, in the 19th and early 20th century at least, primary feathers from swans were collected along the shoreline, washed and sun dried. The feathers were sorted into bundles by type, with 50 feathers of the same type in each bundle. The feathers were then packed tight in broad based bags and transported to town on horseback. In 1914 about 15 thousand feathers were sold from the farm of Gilsfjarðarbrekka alone. This was the last year feathers could be sold due to the influences of World War I (see also Roth and Merz eds. 1997,362) but according to Theodórsson, up until that time the farm had more or less paid for itself with swan feathers (Theodórsson 1936, 236-238). According to Icelandic Historical Statistics (Jónsson and Magnússon eds. 1997, 416-429) at least 22.000 swan feathers were exported in 1733 but there is no mention of goose feathers. Most likely they were largely kept for the Icelandic market. No written information is to be had before that time regarding such export Figures 3 - Feather shaft with barbs found in a micromorphology thin section from Skálholt, red scale bar ~ 50 jim (Beck 2012, 25, taken by Sólveig G. Beck). 40
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