Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Síða 96

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Síða 96
GUÐRÚN ALDA GÍSLADÓTTIR, JAMES M. WOOLLETT, UGGI ÆVARSSON, CÉLINE DUPONT-HÉBERT, ANTHONY NEWTON AND ORRI VÉSTEINSSON the 19th century (1843-1850) but no more after that (Þormóðsson 1970, 58-59). It has been used as a winter grazing place with a beitarhús in recent years. Hjálmarvík is located by the sea, on a well-drained and well-vegetated headland on the west site of the Hjálmar bay, approximately 2 km north of Svalbarð. Between those two farms, the landscape is flat and consists of moors and bogs. The landscape around the site is open and gives no shelter from the wind. Instead, it offers a sweeping and powerful view of the bay and Rauðanes to the west. Project fíeldwork in Þistilfjörður has always been undertaken in the month of June and crews can vouch that wind-driven sleet and northerly storms at Hjálmarvík are anything but pleasant. In 2009 the mound was cored systematically. It proved rocky and difficult to test on the westem side but, in an area of about 20m by 15m on its eastem slope, soil core tests found deep and friable midden deposits with peat ash and charcoal. A lxl m test trench was dug near the centre of midden accumulation and brought to light the VI477 tephra near the modem ground surface, overlying thin midden and turf collapse deposits between H1300 and V1477. Below the H1300 ash there was a series of thick and rich midden deposits containing quantities of fish, land and sea mammal and bird bone and fuel wastes, and disturbed turf deposits to a depth of 1.25m. Bone preservation in the midden is good to excellent, carbonized plant macrofossils were present and metal preservation rather poor. Judging by the typology of recovered artifacts, it is possible that the midden can be dated back into the Viking Age (Gísladóttir et al, 2010, 37-38). Figure 16. Animal figure carved in a whale bone plaque. An impressive find from deposit just above the H1300 tephra in Hjálmarvík. Having made an initial examination of the midden, in 2010 and 2011 attempts were made to define links between the midden and any adjacent buildings. House walls and floor deposits were identified nearby, in a large test trench about 10 to 20m up the slope to the west. It became clear that the midden is considerably older than the remains of the most recent house structure(s) observed. The house interior was filled with post abandonment deposits and deposits that are likely connected to the 94
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