Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 106

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 106
HOWELL M. ROBERTS AND ELÍN ÓSK HREIÐARSDÓTTIR THE LITLU-NÚPAR BURIALS Litlu-Núpar is a small abandoned farm site about lOkm south of the town of Húsavík in north eastem Iceland. The farm site includes many mins and structures, and itself forms part of a much wider archaeological landscape of exceptional value. Discoveries at the edge of the home field in 1915 and further study between 2004 and 2010 have revealed the remains of a complex and varied pre-Christian grave field. These include 9 graves, of people, horses and dogs - and notably one boat burial. Open area excavation methods have aided in the discovery of secondary and tertiary structures around the graves themselves, expanding our understanding of the connectedness of some of the features, and shedding new light on the complexity of the burial practice. It is cautiously proposed that the boat grave at Litlu-Núpar functioned as a family burial lot, or mausoleum. Howell M. Roberts, Fomleifastofnun íslands, Reykjavík, Iceland. Email: Elín Osk Hreiðarsdóttir, Fomleifastofnun íslands, Reykjavík, Iceland. Email: Keywords: Viking Age burials, boat graves, mausolea, excavation Introduction Pre-Christian burials have always formed a key topic in Icelandic archaeology. Kuml og haugfé the doctoral thesis of former State Antiquarian Kristján Eldjám published in 1956 is a pillar of Icelandic scholarship. A second edition incorporating much new material and edited by Adolf Friðriksson was published in 2000. Since that date numerous new discoveries have been made by (amongst others) Friðriksson and research teams from the Institute of Archaeology (Fornleifastofnun Islands) including one of the current authors. These new discoveries have been aided by new conceptual departures and modem techniques of excavation and analysis (see for example Friðriksson 2009 and 2012, Friðriksson and Vésteinsson 2011, Pétursdóttir 2007 and 2009, Roberts 2008, Gestsdóttir and Price 2006, Leifsson 2012). This fast developing research is seeing a shift away from previous orthodoxies - that the Icelandic corpus is predominantly poor, robbed, and already adequately understood - towards an acceptance of the potential of new research to greatly enhance our understanding of pre-Christian burial practice in Iceland and hence Viking Age burial practice in the larger arena. This shift in understanding is well illustrated by the example of Litlu-Núpar. In the year 2000 the original Litlu-Núpar finds seemed ARCHAEOLOGIA ISLANDICA 10 (2013) 104-130
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Archaeologia Islandica

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