Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 122

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 122
HOWELL M. ROBERTS AND ELÍN ÓSK HREIÐARSDÓTTIR between each end varies significantly. Two groups may be discemed, with the intemal distances being either 10-16mm or 20-28mm (see Olafsson, n.d.). These measurements indicate overlapping timbers of half those ranges in thickness - and hence a rather lightly built vessel. The size of the vessel, approaching 7m is thought to be about the upper limit for a four oared boat, or towards the lower range for six oared vessels. The copper alloy bell (see figure 9) found in the boat burial is of a type known írom three other burial finds in Iceland - at Komsá, Brú and Vatnsdalur (Eldjám, 2000, 387-388 - see also Gísladóttir 2012, 81). Objects of this type are also known from the northem British Isles, but not from Scandinavia. Recent research based upon data from the Portable Antiquities Scheme in the UK has identified some 44 similar bells. The distribution of their find spots (where known) has a strong resemblance to the area of Scandinavian influence in northem England - the Danelaw. There are also some outlying finds from Ireland, north-westem Wales and Scotland (Schoenfelder and Richards, 2011, 156 - see also Batey, 1990, 101-110). The disc shaped bead measures 27mm in diameter, and has a central hole 5mm in diameter. It is made of a soft glossy near black stone, jet or shale. Burial IV - Human(?) and dog burial Following the discovery of Burial III in 2007, it was decided to expand the excavation area in 2008, both to the south-south east and to the north-north west (see figures 3 and 10). To the south the remains of an apparently person shaped grave were found (Burial IV, cut [216]), amongst a complex group of subsidiary features. The grave cut itself [216] measured 2.70m in length, 0.65m in width and up to only 0.20m in depth. The latter feature however sat within a rather larger shallow cut [190], up to 4m in length, 1.65m in width and itself 0.25-0.30m in depth, also enclosing 120
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Archaeologia Islandica

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