Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2013, Side 123
several postholes and stake holes (see
figure 10). Grave [216] had been
disturbed/re-opened during antiquity, and
was sealed beneath both the 1477 and
1300 tephra horizons. The northem two
thirds of this feature had a different
depositional sequence to the southem
third. No human bones were recovered
from this feature, perhaps as a result of a
poor preservation, however the preserved
skull of a dog was discovered at the
northem limit. The grave did nonetheless
produce a number of artefacts, including
an omate domed copper alloy brooch
(figure 11), a copper alloy ring (perhaps
from a ring pin), two glass beads and a
few iron objects including possible craft
tools. All the artefacts were recovered
from the northem two thirds of the grave.
The decorative artefacts might together be
suggestive of a female burial, whilst the
craft tools are maybe more ambiguous.
The copper alloy brooch measures
circa 30mm in diameter, having a domed
centre with a raised knob, and a flattish
rim. Fragments of cloth are preserved on
the rear of the brooch, beneath/amongst a
loop of copper alloy wire. Similar objects
have been found at Vað and Gautlönd in
Iceland (Eldjám, 2000, 367-369) and also
in the Faeroes. Brooches of this type are
thought to be of ClOth date and are more
common in Sweden than Norway,
indicating perhaps a Swedish or Baltic
influence (Gísladóttir, 2012, 85).
Two postholes were also discovered
between Burial III and Burial IV (features
[175] and [177]). These features are
thought to form a connection between the
two burials (see Figures 10 and 12).
Post hole [175] measured 0.28-0.38m
in diameter and 0.13m in depth. Post hole
[177] measured 0.24-0.32m in diameter
and 0.2 lm in depth. Both were filled by
mixed silts and occasional sub-angular
stones, with an apparently vertical axis and
flattish base. Post hole [210] measured up
to 0.18m in diameter and 0.30m in depth.
Post hole [208] measured 0.25m in
diameter, 0.30m in depth and had a
pronounced inclination of axis towards the
east. Post hole [206] measured circa 0.30m
in diameter and 0.33m in depth, with a
pronounced inclination of axis towards the
west. The fills of the latter two features