Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Side 54

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Side 54
BOOK YOUR FLIGHT OR DAY TOUR AT AIRICELAND.IS ÍSAFJÖRÐUR ICELAND’S WESTFJORDS ARE ONLY 40 MINUTES AWAY Let’s fly ÞÓRSHÖFN VOPNAFJÖRÐUR GRÍMSEY ÍSAFJÖRÐUR AKUREYRI EGILSSTAÐIR REYKJAVÍK is le ns ka /s ia .is F LU 7 32 63 0 3/ 15 It’s easy to forget, basking in the tropical sun of a 9˚ summer morn- ing in Reykjavík, that just outside the city summer is yet to arrive. But sure enough, one Saturday in May, after pulling on some hik- ing boots and taking the twenty- minute drive to the skiing area of Bjáfjöll, I find myself trudging across a tract of deep, brittle snow. Bulging white sacks have been dropped at intervals to trace the deeply buried path that leads over this eerie wasteland, which is to- day enveloped by soaking drizzle and impenetrable fog. Looking back, I see a couple of our group, dressed in ankle-length high-vis- ibility jackets, staggering along gamely. Ahead is the red jacket of our guide, Gummi, who strides forth with trademark Icelandic stoicism. I grit my teeth and power on. Because today is one of the first days of 2016 that the famous Þríh- núkagígur (“Three Peak Crater”) volcano is open to visitors. Dur- ing the high season, we’re told, this one-hour trek to the volcano’s mouth is quite beautiful, with rugged mountains views and tall craters surrounding the high, mossy plains. But today, it’s a re- lief when the Þríhnúkagígur base camp—a hamlet of conjoined con- tainer units—appears through the baleful murk. What lies beneath After warming up with some hot soup and coffee, we strap on hel- mets and harnesses, and head up a short path to the elevator. This small cage, studded with spotlights, hangs by several thick cables from a gantry positioned directly over the inky black maw of Þríhnúkagígur, and has been lifting and lowering tourists for the last five years. The wind has picked up, and a fine rain comes down as we clip onto a zipline and cross the slick, swaying walkway, peering through the mesh floor into the gaping void beneath our feet. The lift jerks suddenly, and the descent has begun. As the pale daylight fades, the spotlights start to pick up the texture of the walls. At some point during the eruption that created Þríhnúkagígur, the pressure from below ceased, and the magma receded back into the earth, drying along the way into solid waves and ripples of rock, sculpted as if a comb had run gen- tly down the cone’s interior. It’s a rare place: magma cham- bers usually either collapse as the lava becomes dry and brittle, or solidify entirely into a newborn mountain. But here, for reasons unknown, that didn’t happen— the space broadens out around us and we find ourselves, quite suddenly, hanging high in the cavernous, hollow magma cham- ber. The spotlit walls are a rough, natural cathedral in Rothko co- lours: meaty maroon, arterial red, viscous purple. It feels like we’re coming down the throat of the volcano, and as the 120m descent ends, we set foot in its belly. A rain of diamonds Our trusty guide points out the features, relating interesting facts, but I find myself too awe- struck to concentrate, and drift away from the group, gawping up- wards. The lift is winding its way up through the space, the lights illuminating the earthy spectrum of the chamber, and catching a shower of falling droplets that gleam like a rain of diamonds. The floor of the cavern is a heap of broken boulders and shards of rock, with a rough, pegged-out circular path to clamber around. I hear Gummi’s echoing voice re- lating the story of one of the first visitors to the cavern: an old Eng- lishman who’d been reading Jules Verne for many years. He sat still for a long time, absorbing the beauty of his surrounding with tears rolling down his face, and 54 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 8 — 2016TRAVEL Volcano Swallowed Whole Appreciating the inside of Þríhnúkagígur magma chamber Words by JOHN ROGERS Pictures by ART BICNICK


Reykjavík Grapevine

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