Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Síða 63

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Síða 63
Þingvellir FOR BOOKINGS & ALL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS TOUR & OTHER EXCITING DAYTOURS GO TO: WWW.STERNATRAVEL.COM CALL+354-551-1166 OR VISIT OUR SALES DESK AT HARPA CONCERT HALL DOWNTOWN REYKJAVÍK GOLDEN CIRCLE & THE MIDNIGHT SUN 1 June - 31 July - Starting time 20:00 Duration approx 5.5 hours PRICE: 13.500 ISK Gullfoss Geysir Share your moments at Sternatravel #feelthefreedom #sternatravel Collect fabulous memories under the midnight sun, when the most visited places are peaceful and quiet! The Golden Circle; Faxi waterfall, Geysir hot spring area, Gullfoss waterfall and Þingvellir are sights every visitor in Iceland must see. BOOK ONLINE & GET STERNATR AVEL .COM BOOK ONLINE & GET Travel around Iceland at your own pace from 2 days up to 2 months. Buy your Bus Passport or single ticket at the next booking agency or at FULL CIRCLE PASSPORT BU S HI GH LA ND HI KE RS P AS SP OR T EA ST CI RC LE P AS SP OR T BU S ULTIMATE PASSPORT BU S Hike the La ugarvegur or Fimmvörðu háls hiking trail. Valid fo r bus transfe r to the star t of the hike and back from t he end stat ion. See att ractions like: Landm annalaugar , Þórsmörk, Seljalandsfo ss & Skógaf oss Price: 12.50 0 ISK Travel the f ull route 1 b y bus. Inclu des 2 guided da y tours from 4 days up t o 2 months. S ee attractio ns like: Selja landsfoss, Skaftafell n ational park , Glacier Lag oon, Golden Circ le & Secret Lagoon, The Volcani c Peninsula – Reykjane s Price: 69.90 0 ISK Travel the f ull route 1 b y bus from 2 days up to 2 months. See attracti ons like: Seljalan dsfoss, Skóg afoss, Skaft afell national pa rk, Glacier L agoon, Vatn ajökull glacier, Lak e Mývatn Price: 36.90 0 ISK Travel route 1 and the K jölur highla nd road by bus from 3 day s up to 2 m onths See attracti ons like: Se ljalandsfoss , Glacier Lag oon, Lake M ývatn, Hveravellir, Geysir, Gul lfoss Price: 42.90 0 ISK BU S


Reykjavík Grapevine

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