Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Qupperneq 70

Reykjavík Grapevine - 16.06.2016, Qupperneq 70
Kortagerð: Ólafur Valsson copyright © Hönnun: Héraðsprent Blábjörg Mónesskarð i Skessugarður Randaberg II Refsstaður II Bustarfell Hálsakot Geirsstaðakirkja Báru vatn Hvammsgerði Fj al la sk ar ð Fljótsdalsgrund Óbyggðasetur Íslands Snæfellsstofa 2 Við-Bót Di mm ug ljú fur Laugarfell Fljótsdalsvirkjun Keldu árlón Bo rg ar fjö rð ur e ys tri LAKE MONSTER 1 13 8 Advertisement The Sea House Restaurant Randulffs sea house, built in 1890, offers an À la carte menu daily in June, July and Agust. It provides an opportunity to enjoy local delicacies like shark-meat, dried fish, pickled herring, vegan hot dogs and reindeer meatballs in remarkable surroundings. The house preserves many historic artefacts in an atmosphere virtually unchanged from the time herring fishing was the main occupation for many inhabitants of Iceland‘s East fjords. The restaurant was one of Lonely Planet‘s Top Choices in 2015. Eskifjörður Fjarðabyggð In summer we come alive. Fjarðabyggð hosts a lot of fun festivals all summer. The Fjarðabyggð Hiking Week, the Pier Festival, Occupation Day and its Occupation Run are all happening in June. In July we have Eistnaflug International Rock Festival, Støð í stöð Summer Festival and the French Days. In August icelanders all over the country go festival crazy and Fjarðabyggð is no exception with family friendly Neistaflug Family Festival and Barðnses Run. This is going to be a busy summer so go to to check out all we have to offer. Eskifjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Mjóifjörður, Norðfjörður, Reyðarfjörður, Stöðvarfjörður Welcome to our Cittaslow community - the only Slow City (well, actually village and countryside) in Iceland! Drop by and take your time to enjoy life and what our area has to offer. Take a hike in our mountains, visit Papey island just off the coast, see Teigarhorn nature reserve or walk around our birdwatching area. A must see are the Gleðivík Eggs and the free contemporary art exhibition, the Rolling Snowball/7, displaying arwork of 32 international artists. And of course you have to check out the local handcraft, designers and artists and try the jummy local food. 1 9 Djúpivogur community 6 2 3
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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