Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1941, Blaðsíða 46
Hclsingfors. Svcnska littcratursiillskapet i I'inland. För-
hundlingar. N. F. lfi. Hclsingf. 1940. 8vo.
— — Historiska och litteraturhistoriska studicr. 16. Helsingf.
1940. 8vo.
l.und. Kungl. fysiografiska siillskapcts i Lund förhandlingar.
Bd. 9. Lund 1939-40. 8vo. (62).
Lunds Univcrsitet. Arsskrift. N. f. 2. avd. hd. 35. Lund
1940. 8vo. (62).
Missouri Academy of Scicncc. Proceedings. Vol. 4—6.
Colunibia 1938—40. 8vo. (70). *
Ottawa. Thc Itoyal Society of Canada. Transactions. Tliird
serics. Vol. 34—35. Ottawa 1940—41. 8vo. (69). *
lioma. Itendiconti della R. aecademia nazionale dei Lincei.
Classe di scicnze morali, storiche e lilologiche. Serie sesta.
Vol. 15. Roma 1939. 8vo. (50).
Washington. Thc Smithsonian Institution. Annual report ...
1938—1940. Wash. 1939. 8vo. (55).
— — Explorutions and fieldwork in 1939—1940. Wash. 1940—41.
8vo. (55).
— Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol. 73, 98, 99, 100.
Wasli. 1940—11. 8vo. (55).
100 Heimspeki.
Mind. Vol. 50. Lond. 1941. 8vo.
Haldwin of Bewdley: An interpreter of England. I.ond. 1939.
Bridges, J. W.: Thc mcaning and varieties of love. Cambr. Mass.
1935. 8vo.
Burt, C.: The factors of tlie mind. Lond. 1940. 8vo.
de la Marc, W.: Early one morning in the spring. I.ond. 1935.
8vo. (9).
Forman, H. J.: The story of prophecy. New York. 1940. 8vo. *
Fryer, D.: The measurcmcnt of interests. New York 1931. 8vo.
Grant, F.: Oriental philosopliy. New York. 1938. 8vo.
Harding, D. W.: The impulsc to dominate. Lond. 1941. 8vo.
Helms, P.: Gudshegrebet i den græske filosofi. Kbh. 1919.
8vo. (17).
Köhler, W.: Tlie placc of value in a world of facts. New York
1938. 8vo.
Laird, J.: Recent philosophy. Lond. 1936. 8vo. (9).
Laski, H. J.: The rights of man. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Lewis, C. S.: Tlic problem of pain. Lond. 1941. 8vo.
Link, H. O.: The rediscovery of man. New York 1939. 8vo. (5).
Murray, G.: Stoic, Christian and Humanist. Lond. 1940. 8vo.
Itussell, B.: Mysticism and logic and others essays. Lond. 1932.
Santayana, G.: Egotism in German philosopliv. Lond. 1939. 8vo.