Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1941, Blaðsíða 48
Kusscll, B:. Pover. A new social analysis. Lond. 1939. 8vo.
United States. Foreign Relations. Tlie Lansing papers 1914—
1920. Vol. I—II. Wash. 1939. 8vo. (55).
— — 1925. Vol. I—II. Wash. 1940. 8vo. (55).
Wells, H. G.: The rights of man. Harmondsworht ál. 8vo.
330 Þjóðmegunarfræði.
Price, J.: Organised labour in the war. Harmondsworth 1940.
8vo. (10).
340 Lögfræði.
Tidsskrift for rettsvidenskap. 53. árg. Oslo 1940. 8vo.
Nationcrnas förbund. Internationella arhetsorganisa-
tionen. XII—XIV. Sth. 1940. 8vo. (14).
Sveriges överenskommelser mcd frámmande makter 1939.
Sth. 1940. 8vo. (63).
— 1940. Sth. 1941. 8vo. (63).
United States. Journal of the House of Representatives of the
United States. Seventy-sixtli Congress. Second and third
sessions. Wasli. 1941. 4to. (55).
— Journal of the Senate of the United States of America.
Second and third sessions of tlie seventy sixtli Congress.
Wash. 1940. 4to. (55).
Westrup, C. W.: Historisk Romerretsforskning. Khli. 1919. 8vo.
350 Stjórn ríkis, sveita og bæja.
Buchan, W.: The Royal air force at war. Lond. 1940. 4to. (10).
Divine, A. D.: Behind the fleets. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
— The merchant navy figtlis. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
— The wake of the raiders. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Hawks, E.: Britain’s fighting forces. Lond. (1940). 8vo. (10).
O’Brien, T. H.: Britisli experiments in public ownership and
control. Lond. 1937. 8vo. (9).
P E P (Political and economic planning). Rcport on the Britisli
social services. Lond. 1937. 8vo. (9).
Russel, H.: Sea warfare today. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Stubbs, B.: The navy at war. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Taffrail: The navy in action. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
360 Félög. Stofnanir.
Ruggles-Brise, E.: The English prison system. Lond. 1921. 8vo. (9).
370 Uppeldi. Skólar.
Adler, M. J.: How to read a book. A guidc to self-cducation.
Lond. (1939). 8vo.
L’avenir des diplömés. Paris 1940. 8vo. (41).