Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1941, Blaðsíða 47
Sayers, D. L.: The mind of thc maker. Lond. 1941. 8vo.
Symonds, P. M.: Diagnosing pcrsonality and conduct. Nc.w York
1931. 8vo.
Thomson, G. H.: Factorial analysis of human ability. Lond. 1939.
200 Trúbrögð.
Hradley, A. C.: Idcals of religion. Lond. 1940. 8vo.
Hall, R. O.: New church order. Evanston 1941. 8vo. (34).
Wand, J. W. C.: The place af nationalism in religion. Evanston
190. 8vo. (54).
290 önnur trúbrögð. Goðafræði.
Ruhl, Fr.: Ali som prætendant og kalif. Khh. 1921. 8vo. (17).
300 Félagsfræði.
Andersen. P.: Grundtvig som rigsdagsmand og andrc afhandlinger.
Ivbh. 1940. 8vo. (22).
Eliot, T. S.: The idea of a Christian society. Lond. 1939. 8vo. (9).
Mumford. L.: Faith for living. Lond. 1941. 8vo.
S a 1 a z a r primc minister of Portugal says .. . Lisbon ál. 8vo. (49).
310 Hagfræði.
Danmarks statistik. Statistiske meddelelscr. 4. r. 109. hd.
Kbh. 1940. 8vo. (56).
Fisher, R. A. & F. Yates: Statistical tables for biological, agri-
cultural and medieal research. I.ond. 1938. 4to.
Sveriges officiella stalistik. Statens vattenfallsverk ér 1939.
Sth. 1940. 8vo. (62).
320 Stjórnmál.
Andræ, P.: Andræ og lians opfindelse, forholdstals-valgmaaden.
Kbh. 1905. 8vo. (17).
Carlyle, A. J.: Political liberty. Oxford 1941. 8vo. (9).
Dewey, J.: Freedom and culture. Lond. 1940. 8vo.
Lindsay, A. D.: I believe in democracy. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Madariaga, S. de.: Tlie world’s design. Lond. 1940. 8vo.
T h e P e n g u i n Hansard. Vol. I. I'rom Chamberlain to Chur-
chill. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Richmond, B.: The pattern of freedom in prose and verse. Chosen
by Bruce L. Richmond. Lond. 1940. 8vo.