Ritaukaskrá Landsbókasafnsins - 01.01.1941, Blaðsíða 51
600 Nytsamar listir.
Allen, G. C.: British industrics and thcir organization. Lond.
1939. 8vo. (9).
Cliambcr’s Technical dictionary. lid. by C. F. Tweney and
L. E. C. Hughes. Lond. 1940. 8vo.
Haldane, J. B. S.: Science and everday life. Harmondsworth 1941.
Livre d’or officiel de l’exposition internationale des arts ct
techniqucs dans la vie moderne. Paris 1937. 4to. (18).
Waddington, C. H.: The 'scientific attitude. Harmondsworth 1941.
610 Læknisfræði.
T h e B r i t i s h cneyclopaedia of medical practicc. Surveys
and abstracts 1939. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (36).
— Cumulative supplement 1939. 8vo. (36).
hallós, I’.: Fortschrittc der Allergielehre. Bascl 1939. 8vo.
Medicinsk revue. Generalregister 1884—1938. Bergen 1939.
8vo. (42).
Wilson, R. McN.: British mcdicinc. Lond. 1941. 8vo. (9).
612 Lífeðlisfræði.
Austin, M.: Experiences facing death. Indianapoiis 1931. 8vo.
614 Almenn heilbrigði.
Newman, G.: The huilding of nation’s healtli. I.ond. 1939. 8vo. (9).
616 Sjúkdómafræði. Lyflæknisfræði.
Iloerr, R. und C. Hallauer: Handhuch der Virusforscliung. I—II.
Wien 1938—39. 8vo.
617 Handlækningar.
Benjamin, H.: Better sight without glasses. Lond. 1933. 8vo.
620 Verkfræði.
I> r i t i s li aircraft. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Spaight, J. M.: The sky’s the limit. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
Turner, C. C.: How the air force defends us. Lond. 1940. 8vo. (10).
630 Búnaður. Akuryrkja. Fiskveiðar.
Berctning fra statens planteavlsudvalg 1938—1939. Khh. 1939.
8vo. (59).