Landshagir - 01.12.2001, Page 195
Einkaneysla heimila 1996-2000
Household final consumption expenditure 1996-2000
1996 1997 1998 1999 20001
Milljónir kr. á verðlagi hvers árs Million ISK at current prices
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 66.066 69.782 75.487 80.161 83.728 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 18.855 19.833 22.037 23.546 24.276 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti 46.991 49.035 51.968 57.051 65.777 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Furniture, furnishings, house-
og heimilistæki 21.570 22.127 25.236 27.508 28.384 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 6.666 7.103 8.779 9.446 10.711 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 36.299 42.166 48.286 55.470 59.324 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun Recreation, entertainment,
og menningarmál 31.749 32.114 35.458 39.150 43.027 education and cultural services
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 32.120 35.130 39.846 44.965 50.057 Miscellaneous goods and services
Einkaneysla heimila Domestic househoid consumption
innanlands alls 260.315 277.290 307.096 337.298 365.285 expenditure, total
Útgjöld íslendinga erlendis' 20.472 22.893 28.032 31.487 37.082 Purchases abroad by residents' Purchases in Iceland
Útgjöld útlendinga á Islandi2 11.722 12.316 14.633 16.070 17.967 by non-residents2 Household final consumption
Einkaneysla heimila alls 269.065 287.867 320.495 352.715 384.400 expenditure, total
Starfsemi samtaka 9.591 10.303 11.743 13.195 14.339 Non-profit institutions serv. househ.
Einkaneysla alls 278.656 298.170 332.239 365.909 398.740 Priv. final consumpt. expendit., total
Magnvísitölur (1990=100) Volume indices (1990=100)
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 105,4 109,9 114,9 118,9 119,8 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 93,2 98,3 114,6 121,0 126,6 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, Ijós og hiti 96,76 97,03 100,28 101,49 103,01 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Furniture, furnishings, house-
og heimilistæki 109,83 111,07 127,36 138,85 139,70 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 138,23 145,70 164,11 170,34 186,38 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 107,95 123,64 142,30 159,54 161,18 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun Recreation, entertainment,
og menningarmál 120,02 122,63 142,73 160,55 179,64 education and cultural services
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 113,31 120,36 134,91 147,93 156,10 Miscellaneous goods and services
Einkaneysla heimila Private domestic household
innanlands alls 106,45 111,48 122,75 131,24 135,80 consumption expenditure, total
Útgjöld fslendinga erlendis1 93,89 103,14 124,38 138,48 158,33 Purchases abroad by Icelanders1 Purchases in Iceland
Útgjöld útlendinga á íslandi2 107,25 110,69 129,57 137,89 148,81 by non-residents2 Private final househ. consumption
Einkaneysla heimila alls 105,43 110,85 122,60 131,53 137,03 expenditure, total
Starfsemi samtaka 104,15 107,40 111,25 116,50 120,58 Non-profit institutions serv. househ.
Einkaneysla alls 105,39 110,7 122,2 131,0 136,5 Priv. final consumpt. expendit., total
Percent distribution of private
Hlutfallsleg skipting einkaneyslu, % consumption
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak 23,7 23,4 22,7 21,9 21,0 Food, beverages and tobacco
Fatnaður 6,8 6,7 6,6 6,4 6,1 Clothing and footwear
Húsnæði, Ijós og hiti 16,9 16,4 15,6 15,6 16,5 Rent, light. and heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, heimilishald Furniture, furnishings, house-
og heimilistæki 7,7 7,4 7,6 7,5 7,1 hold equipment and operation
Lyf og lækniskostnaður 2,4 2,4 2,6 2,6 2,7 Medical care and health expenses
Flutningatæki og samgöngur 13,0 14,1 14,5 15,2 14,9 Transport and communication
Tómstundaiðja, skemmtanir, menntun Recreation, entertainment,
og menningarmál 11,4 10,8 10,7 10,7 10,8 education and cultural services
Ymsar vörur og þjónusta 11,5 11,8 12,0 12,3 12.6 Miscellaneous goods and services
Einkaneysla heimila Private domestic household
innanlands alls 93,4 93,0 92,4 92,2 91,6 consumption expenditure, total
Útgjöld íslendinga erlendis1 7,3 7,7 8,4 8,6 9,3 Purchases abroad by Icelanders' Purchases in Iceland
Útgjöld útlendinga á íslandi2 4,2 4,1 4,4 4,4 4,5 by non-residents2