Landshagir - 01.12.2001, Side 282
Brautskráðir stúdentar skólaárin 1990/1991-1999/2000
Students passing matriculation examination 1990/1991-1999/2000
Fjöldi skóla Number of schools Brautskráðir stúdentar Numbers ofstudents í hlutfalli við tölu tvítugra, % As percent of 20-year-olds
Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females
1990/1991 22 1.755 691 1.064 42,4 32,6 52,8
1991/1992 25 2.027 814 1.213 44,9 35,9 53,3
1992/1993 26 2.026 851 1.175 45,1 37,0 53,8
1993/1994 26 2.120 898 1.222 51,4 42,8 60,4
1994/1995 26 2.078 830 1.248 49,0 39,1 59,0
1995/1996 26 2.093 874 1.219 49,9 40,8 59,5
1996/1997 26 2.010 777 1.233 51,0 39,4 62,6
1997/1998 26 2.137 873 1.264 52,2 42,3 62,3
1998/1999 26 2.224 908 1.316 49,1 39,3 59,4
1999/2000 27 2.123 825 1.298 46,4 35,4 57,8
Notes: This table shows the number of students that complete matriculation examination which grants admission to university education.
Heimild: Hagstofa íslands. Source: Statistics Iceland.
Brautskráðir stúdentar eftir aidri og lögheimili skólaárið 1999/2000
Students passing matriculation examination by age and domicile 1999/2000
Brautskráðir stúdentar Numbers of students
Alls Karlar Konur
Total Males Females
Brautskráðir stúdentar alls 2.12 3 825 1.298 Number of students, total
Graduated in the middle
Brautskráðir á miðju skólaári 430 152 278 of the academic year
Graduated at the end
Brautskráðir við lok skólaárs 1.693 673 1.020 of the academic year
Brautskráðir úr dagskóladeildum 2.044 803 1.241 Graduated from day courses
Brautskráðir úr kvöldskóladeildum 79 22 57 Graduated from evening courses
Aldur við árslok 2000 2.123 825 1.298 Age at end ofyear 2000
18-19 ára 59 14 45 18-19 years
20 ára 1.186 451 735 20 years
21 árs 462 195 267 21 years
22-24 ára 254 116 138 22-24 years
25-29 ára 90 34 56 25-29 years
30 ára og eldri 72 15 57 30 years and over
Lögheimili í árslok 1999 2.123 825 1.298 Domicile at end of year 1999
Höfuðborgarsvæði 1.341 522 819 Capital region
Reykjavík 829 329 500 Reykjavík
Önnur sveitarfélög 512 193 319 Other municipalities
Suðumes 86 29 57 Suðurnes
Vesturland 94 31 63 Vesturland
Vestfirðir 47 20 27 Vestfirðir
Norðurland vestra 75 32 43 Norðurland vestra
Norðurland eystra 223 96 127 Norðurland eystra
Austurland 89 34 55 Austurland
Suðurland 160 58 102 Suðurland
Erlendis 8 3 5 Abroad
Notes: This table shows the number ofstudents that complete matriculation examination which grants admission to university education.
Heimild: Hagstofa Islands. Source: Statistics Iceland.