Landshagir - 01.12.2001, Side 303
Fjöldi skráðra afbrota hjá lögreglustjóraembættum 1999-2000
Number ofoffenses registered by the police 1999-2000
Allt landið' Whole country1 Fjöldi Number
Afbrot á 10.000 íbúa Fjöldi Höfuðborgarsvæði Landsbyggðin Outside Capital
Per 10,000 inh. Number Capital region region
Samtals brot 1999 Total offences 1999 3.144,2 86.548 52.170 34.378
Samtals brot 2000 Total offences 2000 3.281,2 91.452 56.218 35.234
Brot gegn vaidstjórninni Offences against public authorities 1999 5,8 160 112 48
2000 4,8 133 76 57
Skjalafals Forgery 1999 14,1 388 315 73
2000 16,0 445 344 101
Kynferðisbrot Sexual offences 1999 8,4 230 152 78
2000 8,2 228 161 67
Líkamsmeiðingar Assaults 1999 50,6 1.392 963 429
2000 54,0 1.506 1.053 453
Brot gegn friðheigi einkalífs Offences against personal liberty 1999 25,8 710 511 199
2000 27,2 757 513 244
Auðgunarbrot Offences of acquisition 1999 363,7 10.012 8.173 1.839
2000 375,5 10.466 8.482 1.984
Eignaspjöll Offences against property 1999 154,1 4.241 2.900 1.341
2000 150,0 4.180 2.892 1.288
Nytjastuldur Unlawful use of motor vehicles 1999 16,6 456 346 110
2000 15,3 427 316 111
Fíkniefnabrot Drug crimes 1999 34,9 962 648 314
2000 28,0 780 479 301
Afengislög Alcoholic beverages Act 1999 83,4 2.297 1.576 721
2000 95,6 2.665 2.002 663
Umferðarlagabrot Traffic offences 1999 2.279,1 62.735 35.110 27.625
2000 2.397,2 66.813 38.594 28.219
Oll önnur brot Other offences 1999 107,7 2.965 1.364 1.601
2000 109,5 3.052 1.306 1.746
Frátalin eru 213 mál hvort árið sem eru óstaðsett eftir lögregluumdæmum. Lang flest þessara mála falla undir flokkinn „Öll önnur brot“ og eru skráð hjá
Ríkislögreglustjóra og Ríkissaksóknara. Excluding in both years 213 cases that cannot be assigned to individual police jurisdictions. Most of these cases
fall within the category “other offences” and are registerd by the National Commissioner ofPolice and the Office ofthe Prosecutor General.
Heimild: Ríkislögreglustjóri. Source: The National Commissioner of the lcelandic Police.