Landshagir - 01.12.2001, Síða 315
Alþjóðlegar hagtölur
Alþjóðlegar hagtölur (frh.)
International statistics (cont.)
Flatarmál, þúsund km2 Surface area, thousand km2 íbúar, þúsund Population, thousand Lifandi fædd börn á ævi hverrar konu Total fertility rate Meðalævilengd kvenna, ár Average expected lifetime, females Atvinnu- þátttaka, þúsund Economically active population, thousand Atvinnuleysi Unemployment %
1 2 3 4 5 6
Tékkland 79 10.278 1,13 78,2 5.236 9,0
Ukraína 604 49.851 1,19 74,0 22.747 11,9
Ungverjaland 93 10.043 1,29 75,2 4.096 7,0
Afríka 29.868 768.619 ... ...
Alsír 2.382 30.774 3,80 70,3 7.757 28,7
Angóla 1.247 12.479 6,80 48,1
Benín 113 6.059 5,80 55,2
Bótsvana 582 1.611 4,35 68,5 440 21,5
Burkína Fasó 274 11.616 6,57 45,2
Búrúndí 28 6.483 6,28 43,8 2.780
Díbútí 23 629 5,30 52,0
Egyptaland 1.001 67.226 3,74 69,0 18.028 8,2
Eþíópía 1.104 61.672 6,30 44,3 27.272
Fflabeinsströnd 322 14.526 5,10 47,3
Gabon 268 1.385 5,40 53,8
Gambía 11 1.385 5,20 48,6 345
Ghana 239 19.678 5,15 61,8
Gínea 246 7.360 5,51 47,0
Gínea-Bissá 36 1.187 5,75 46,5
Grænhöfðaeyjar 4 418 3,56 71,3
Kamerún 475 14.693 5,30 56,0
Kenía 580 29.549 4,45 53,0 9.291
Kongó 342 2.864 6,06 50,8
Kómóróeyjar 2 676 4,80 60,2 127
Lesótó 30 2.108 4,75 57,3
Líbería 111 2.930 6,31 48,5
Líbía 1.760 5.471 3,80 72,2
Lýðveldið Kongó 2.345 50.335 6,43 52,3
Madagaskar 587 15.497 5,40 59,0 5.300
Malaví 118 10.640 6,75 39,6
Malí 1.240 10.960 6,60 54,6 3.438
Marokkó 447 28.238 3,10 68,5 10.793 22,0
Márítanía 1.026 2.598 5,50 55,1 586
Máritíus 2 1.174 2,04 74,4 484
Mið-Afröculýðveldið 623 3.550 4,90 46,9
Miðbaugs-Gínea 28 442 5,58 51,6
Mósambik 802 17.299 6,25 46,6
Namibía 824 1.695 4,90 53,0 435
Níger 1.267 10.400 6,84 50,1 2.367
Nígería 924 108.945 5,15 51,5
Reúníon 3 691 2,10 79,8 34,4
Rúanda 26 7.235 6,20 41,7 2.942
Sambía 753 10.407 5,55 40,6
Saó Tóme og Principe 1 144 35
Senegal 197 9.279 5,57 54,2
Seychelleseyjar 0 77 2,59 29
Simbabve 391 13.079 3,80 44,7 4.921
Síerra Leóne 72 4.717 6,06 38,7
Sómalía 638 9.672 7,25 48,6
St. Helena 0 6 2
Suður-Afríka 1.221 43.054 3,25 58,1 5,4
Súdan 2.506 28.883 4,61 56,4 7.983
Svazfland 17 980 4,70 62,5
Alþjóðlegar hagtölur
Landsframl. á mann, bandaríkja- dalir Gross domestic product per capita, USD Fiskafli úr sjó og vötnum, þúsund tonn Totalfish catch, thousand tonnes Verg vinnsla hráorku, þús. terajoule Primary energy prod., thous. terajoule Raforku- notkun á hvern íbúa, kW Consump- tion of electricity per capita, kW co2 útstreymi, þúsund tonn C02 emission, thousand tonnes Vöruviðskipti, milljón, bandaríkjadalir Merchandise trade, million, USD
Innflutningur Import Útflutningur Export
1 8 9 10 11 12 13
5.052 4 1.271 6.156 34.580 27.188 22.751 Czeck Republic
973 408 3.441 3.483 108.431 18.639 14.441 Ukraine
4.502 8 557 3.697 16.231 20.652 18.613 Hungary
6.013 24.669 ... Africa
1.097 106 5.670 731 25.736 8.690 12.621 Algeria
663 177 1.474 162 1.394 Angola
364 39 3 48 179 614 400 Benin
3.209 2 561 Botswana
160 8 0 27 264 530 205 Burkina Faso
126 9 1 24 60 121 87 Burundi
979 0 303 100 Djibouti
1.168 381 2.485 848 26.712 13.211 3.921 Egypt
104 16 6 27 919 1.142 587 Ethiopia
731 76 59 196 3.566 2.741 4.141 Cöte d’Ivoire
4.611 53 808 1.106 1.007 881 2.712 Gabon
323 30 65 59 174 15 Gambia
398 493 24 344 1.104 2.307 1.635 Ghana
535 87 1 74 298 Guinea
96 5 47 63 87 27 Guinea-Bissau
833 10 103 33 252 9 Cape Verde
617 95 244 198 960 1.358 1.860 Cameroon
356 205 26 154 1.849 3.296 2.054 Kenya
702 44 487 206 1.354 671 1.176 Congo
334 12 27 15 Comoros
505 0 Lesotho
1.242 15 1 205 89 Liberia
5.621 32 3.160 3.512 11.075 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
52 208 70 90 626 424 424 Dem. Republic of the Congo
122 132 2 24 327 465 221 Madagascar
234 45 3 87 200 623 481 Malawi
244 99 1 37 129 689 562 Mali
1.246 745 20 528 7.609 9.526 7.033 Morocco
388 48 0 62 805 Mauritania
3.688 12 0 1.128 476 2.231 1.630 Mauritius
364 15 0 30 64 175 171 Central African Republic
349 7 125 48 39 292 175 Equatorial Guinea
94 36 1 64 272 784 168 Mozambique
2.046 299 Namibia
191 11 5 38 306 361 269 Niger
1.376 456 4.158 143 22.743 12.020 17.648 Nigeria
10.767 6 2 1.684 426 2.625 207 Réunion
170 6 1 29 134 297 87 Rwanda
450 67 37 736 667 818 914 Zambia
318 4 109 21 Sao Tome and Principe
519 418 135 836 1.190 935 Senegal
7.304 38 1.973 46 340 113 Seychelles
802 12 157 975 5.025 2.817 2.397 Zimbabwe
260 59 55 122 92 17 Sierra Leone
169 20 31 4 Somalia
1 1.000 2 St. Helena
3.331 588 5.397 4.203 79.898 31.939 29.964 South Africa
59 50 3 48 948 Sudan
1.420 0 93 Swaziland