Landshagir - 01.12.2001, Side 325
Public sector expenditure, economic categories 212
Public sector ftnances 210-218
Public sector revenue 211
Publications 281-283
Quadruplet deliveries 64
Rabbits 106
Radio 284
Rate of exchange 230-232
Real estate and business activity, employed 89-91
Real wages 174
Registered partnership 30
Reindear 111
Religious organizations, population 40
Reproduction rates (gross/net) 30, 67
Research and development 292-293
Residential construction 132
Restaurants, volume indices 134
Retail prices of some commodities and services 167
Retail trade - see Trade
Retail, wholesale trade, factor income 134
Reykjavík City Council elections 305
Reykjavík Municipal Bus Service 154
Rivers 21
Road traffic accidents 155
Roads 150
Salmon fishing 109-110
Salted fish 116
Saving (national accounts) 187
School day-care - see Day-care for children
SDR, average selling rates 231
Seagulls 111
Second level education, number of students 268-272
Sex ratio 30, 32
Sheep 106
Ship arrivals in Reykjavík harbour 144
Ships 119, 144
Single deliveries 64
Single parents 48
Smoking habits 253-254
Snowmobiles 152
Social assistance 239,241,258-261
Social protection, expenditure 233-235
Social security 236-246
Special libraries 290
Status in employment, sex 93
Sterilizations 251
Stem trawlers - see Fishing vessels
Strikes and lockouts 101
Sulphur oxide, emission 28
Supreme Court cases 294
Surfaced national roads 150
Survivors of 1,000 bom, by age 78
Tax assessment districts 20
Taxes 211
Teachers’ Association of Iceland 102
Teachers 267, 279-280
Telephone service 156
Television 285
Temperature 25
Tertiary level, students 268-272, 277
The Icelandic Union of Foremen and Supervisors 102
Theatres 287
Tourism 136-142
Tourists, income from services 195
Towns 20
Tractors 152
Trade - see also Extemal trade 134
Trailers 152
Transit passengers, intemational flights 148
Transport 143-155
Transport, communication, employed 89-91
Triplet deliveries 64
Tumip production 105-106
Tumover, trade 135
Twin deliveries 64
Unemployed 83-88
Unemployment (registered) 97-100
Unemployment benefits 247
Unemployment Insurance Fund 246
Unemployment rate 86-88
Union of Icelandic Bank Employees 102
Universities, number of students 268-272
University libraries 290
US dollar, average selling rates 231
Utilization of fish catch 116
Vans 151-154
Vegetation area 21
Vehicles from abroad, on car ferries 136
Verming control 111
Vessels 143-144
Veterinary districts 20
Veterinary surgeons 248
Wage index 170
Waste 29
Waterfalls, height 21
Whole sale, retail trade, repairs, employed 89-91
Wholesale trade - see Trade
Working hours 95-97