Landshagir - 01.12.2015, Side 132
5.10 Meðalneysla á heimili á ári eftir heimilisgerð 2010–2012
Average household expenditure by type of household 2010–2012
COICOP-flokkur#COICOP group Hjón/ Hjón/
Verðlag 2012#At 2012 prices Ein- sambýlis- sambýlis- Einstæðir Önnur
hleypir fólk án fólk með foreldrar heimilis-
One- barna börn Single- gerð
person Couples Couples parent Other
Alls house- without with house- house-
Total holds children children holds holds
Neysluútgjöld alls, kr.#Total expenditure, ISK 5.711.527 3.655.898 6.231.629 7.492.690 4.628.767 7.494.267
01 Matur og drykkjarvörur#
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 849.754 458.773 868.000 1.211.967 691.992 1.213.901
02 Áfengi og tóbak#Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 187.847 164.116 194.785 212.868 134.542 246.820
03 Föt og skór#Clothing and footwear 286.641 153.345 308.495 417.417 259.049 295.089
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn#Housing, water, electricity, etc. 1.539.521 1.116.795 1.755.484 1.823.815 1.300.131 2.039.678
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl.#
Furnishing and household equipment 267.349 164.208 266.629 371.542 243.416 309.501
06 Heilsugæsla#Health 217.176 136.688 266.236 263.850 233.680 232.746
07 Ferðir og flutningar#Transport 827.808 575.167 1.061.586 1.004.771 469.882 1.146.829
08 Póstur og sími#Communications 180.425 132.134 176.164 222.075 194.951 205.375
09 Tómstundir og menning#Recreation and culture 646.851 399.607 712.934 876.055 429.006 913.865
10 Menntun#Education 64.430 19.437 27.329 95.328 100.906 177.163*
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir#Hotels, cafés and restaurants 276.312 163.962 243.130 415.378 256.911 274.196
12 Aðrar vörur og þjónusta#
Miscellaneous goods and services 367.414 171.666 350.858 577.625 314.299 439.103
Hlutfallsleg skipting#Percentage breakdown
Neysluútgjöld alls#Total expenditure 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
01 Matur og drykkjarvörur#
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 14,9 12,5 13,9 16,2 14,9 16,2
02 Áfengi og tóbak#Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 3,3 4,5 3,1 2,8 2,9 3,3
03 Föt og skór#Clothing and footwear 5,0 4,2 5,0 5,6 5,6 3,9
04 Húsnæði, hiti og rafmagn#Housing, water, electricity, etc. 27,0 30,5 28,2 24,3 28,1 27,2
05 Húsgögn, heimilisbúnaður o.fl.#
Furnishing and household equipment 4,7 4,5 4,3 5,0 5,3 4,1
06 Heilsugæsla#Health 3,8 3,7 4,3 3,5 5,0 3,1
07 Ferðir og flutningar#Transport 14,5 15,7 17,0 13,4 10,2 15,3
08 Póstur og sími#Communications 3,2 3,6 2,8 3,0 4,2 2,7
09 Tómstundir og menning#Recreation and culture 11,3 10,9 11,4 11,7 9,3 12,2
10 Menntun#Education 1,1 0,5 0,4 1,3 2,2 2,4*
11 Hótel og veitingastaðir#Hotels, cafés and restaurants 4,8 4,5 3,9 5,5 5,6 3,7
12 Aðrar vörur og þjónusta#
Miscellaneous goods and services 6,4 4,7 5,6 7,7 6,8 5,9
Fjöldi heimila#Number of households 1.772 584 313 573 182 120
Meðaltalsfjöldi í heimili#
Average number of persons in households 2,4 1,0 2,0 3,9 2,5 3,4
þ.a. fullorðnir#thereof adults 1,6 1,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 2,6
þ.a. börn#thereof children 0,8 0,0 0,0 1,9 1,5 0,8
Neyslueiningar skv. OECD#OECD equivalent scale 1,9 1,0 1,7 2,8 1,9 2,6
Neyslueiningar skv. ES#Eurostat equivalent scale 1,6 1,0 1,5 2,2 1,6 2,1
Meðalútgjöld á neyslueiningu OECD#
Average expenditure by OECD equivalent scale 3.006.067 3.655.898 3.665.664 2.675.961 2.436.193 2.882.410
Meðalútgjöld á neyslueiningu Eurostat#
Average expenditure by Eurostat equivalent scale 3.569.704 3.655.898 4.154.420 3.405.768 2.892.980 3.568.699
@ Tölur merktar með stjörnu (*) hafa staðalskekkju frá meðaltali meiri en 20%.#Numbers with an asterisk (*) have standard error of mean >20%.