Landshagir - 01.12.2015, Side 140
Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál
Statistics Iceland collects figures on health
and social affairs. The figures are collected
from different institutions, e.g. Directo-
rate of Health, The Ministry of Welfare and
the municipalities. Figures are also derived
from the Statistics Iceland’s population
database, from Government and Municipal
Finances and from The State Social Secu-
rity Institute accounts.
Expenditure on social protection increases
Total expenditure on social protection was
443 billion ISK in 2013, which is an increase
from the previous year when social protec-
tion expenditure was 421 billion ISK. About
35% of total expenditure on social protec-
tion is on sickness/health care, 25% on old
age and 16% on disability.
The total health expenditure 9% of GDP
The total health expenditure in Iceland in
2014 amounted to 176 billion ISK, 8.9% of
Of the total health expenditure in 2014,
55.7% was spent on in-patient care, 27% on
out-patient care and 15% on medical goods
dispensed to out-patients. The remaining
part or 2.3% went to health administration
and other health categories.
Fewer households receive municipal
income support
A total of 7,749 households received munic-
ipal income support in 2014, a decrease by
293 (3.6%) from the year before. On the
other hand in the year 2013 the number
of households receiving municipal income
support increase by 306 (4.0%) from the
year before and in 2012 the increase was 21
(0.3%) household. During the years 2007 to
2011 the average increase was 860 house-
holds pr. year.
Households of single men without children
(44.8%) and households of single women
with children (24.9%) were as before the
biggest groups receiving income support.
In the year 2014 nearly 44% of recipients
of municipal income support were unem-
ployed and thereof three forth non-insured
or 2,508 individuals.
Fewer children enrolled in day care in
private homes
In the year 2014, 1,699 children were
enrolled in day care in private homes,
a decrease by 243 (12.5%) from the year
before. That was little more than 6% of
children at the age of 0 to 5 years in the
country. Little more than 6% of all children
in the first year and more than 30% of chil-
dren 1 year of age, but those are children
that have not reached the pre-primary
school age.
Af þeim heimilum sem fengu fjárhagsað-
stoð árið 2014 voru einstæðir barnlausir
karlar (44,8% heimila) og einstæðar konur
með börn (24,9% heimila) fjölmennustu
hóparnir. Árið 2014 voru tæplega 44%
viðtakenda fjárhagsaðstoðar atvinnulausir
og af þeim þrír fjórðu án bótaréttar, alls
2.508 einstaklingar.
Börnum í dagvist á einkaheimilum fækkar
Árið 2014 nutu 1.699 börn dagvistar á
einkaheimilum og hafði þeim fækkað um
243 (12,5%) frá árinu á undan. Alls voru
rúm 6,2% barna 0 til 5 ára í slíkri dagvistun
árið 2014. Rúm 6% allra barna á fyrsta ári
voru í dagvistun á einkaheimili og rúm 30%
eins árs barna, en það eru börn sem ekki
hafa náð leikskólaaldri.