Landshagir - 01.12.2015, Page 294
rekstrarleiga) með 30,2% og samgöngur
með 16,1% af allri innfluttri þjónustu.
Samgöngu- og flutningaþjónusta
skilaði 130,7 milljarða króna afgangi og
ferðaþjónusta 45,5 milljarða króna afgangi
árið 2014. Hins vegar var 69,8 milljarða
króna halli á annarri viðskiptaþjónustu.
Statistics Iceland collects data on external
trade, i.e. Icelandic exports and imports
of goods and services. Data of exports and
imports of goods are derived chiefly from
customs declarations but the source of data
for exports and imports of services are
mainly information from companies and
information of the use of credit cards.
Surplus of trade in goods and services
In 2014 total exports of goods and
services amounted to 1,066.8 billion ISK
as compared with total imports of 942.2
billion ISK. The balance of trade in goods
and services was 124.5 billilon ISK.
Manufacturing products 52.5% of all exports
of goods
The value of exports of goods was 590.5
billion ISK and imports of goods(fob) was
586.3 billion ISK. The surplus of balance of
trade was therefore 4.3 billion ISK. Manu-
facturing products made up 52.5% of all
exports of goods in 2014, the share of
exported marine products was 41.3%. The
largest import of goods categories were
industrial supplies, 27.9% of total, and
capital goods with 21.2% of total.
The share of EEA countries 76% in exports
of goods
The EEA was the largest market area for
Icelandic products in 2014. The share of
exports of goods to the EEA was 76.1% in
2014. The share of the EEA countries in
total imports of goods was 62.9% in 2014.
Surplus in services trade
In 2014, export of services was 498 billion
ISK and the import of services 364 billion
ISK. Therefore, the services trade surplus
for the year 2014 was 135 billion ISK.
Transportation was the largest category
of exports as the year before, accounting
for 189.2 billion ISK or 38% of total exports
of services. Travel were the second largest
category of exports, 159 billion ISK or
31.9% of total exports of services in 2014.
In 2014, the largest category of imports
was travel, 113.6 billion ISK or 31.2% of
total imports of services. Next in line
with travel came other business services
(the largest category operational leasing
services), 30.2% of total imports and
transportation, 16.1% of total imports of
services in 2014.
There was a surplus of 130.7 billion ISK
of transportation and 45.5 billion ISK of
travel, but there was a 69.8 billion ISK
deficit of other business services.