Landshagir - 01.12.2015, Page 353
On January 1st 1999, Statistics Iceland
took over the responsibility of processing
and publishing monthly and yearly statis-
tics on fisheries from the Fisheries Asso-
ciation of Iceland and the Directorate of
Data on landed (and weighted) catch is
registered into a database which is used in
all ports receiving fish catches. The Direc-
torate of Fisheries also collects data on
landings of Icelandic vessels in foreign
ports. Data is sent to Statistics Iceland on a
monthly basis.
The total catch decreased by 21%
The total catch of Icelandic fishing vessels
in 2014 was 1,077 thousand tonnes which
is 286 thousand tonnes or 21% less than in
2013. The total demersal catch decreased by
7% in 2014. The total catch of cod increased
by 1%. Catch of haddock decreased by 21%,
saithe catch by 20%, redfish by 5% and
oceanic redfish by 71%. Shellfish catch
decreased by 22% in 2014. Shrimp catch
decreased by 3.3 thousand tonnes, catch
of lobster increased by 14% in 2014. The
total catch of pelagic catch decreased by
37% between 2013 and 2014, thereof catch
of capelin decreased by 76%, catch of
herring increased by 55% and blue whiting
increased by 71% and mackerel by 11%.
Value of catch decreased by 11%
The value of catch amounted to 136 billion
ISK and decreased by 17 billion ISK from
the previous year, 11% decrease at constant
The value of pelagic catch was 24.6% of the
total value and the catch 57.9% of the total
catch. The value of demersal catch was
67.5% and the catch 39.3% of the total catch.
Both shellfish and flatfish catch value was
higher than the total catch.
Fishing vessels decrease in num-
ber between years
A total of 1,685 fishing vessels were regis-
tered at the Icelandic Transport Authority
at the end of 2014, which is eleven ships
fewer than one year earlier. The number of
decked vessels was 774 and their combined
size was 85,704 gross tonnages (GT). The
number of decked vessels had reduced
by ten between years while the total size
decreased by 3,825 GT. The number of
trawlers was 49 at the end of 2014 and
their total size amounted to 57,444 GT. The
number of trawlers decreased by two from
previous year and their combined size
decreased by 2,717 GT. The number of regis-
tered undecked vessels was 863 at the end
of 2014 and a total of 4,239 GT. Undecked
vessels decreased by one boat between
years, while the total size the undecked
fleet increased by 69 GT.
43.440 tonn af þorski voru ísuð og send í flug árið 2014
43,440 tonnes of cod were exported fresh and iced by air in 2014
Vissir þú
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