Morgunblaðið - 30.10.2017, Side 29
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
JPMorgan Funds
The meeting will be held at the location and time stated below.
Agenda for Meeting and Shareholder Vote
Update to provisions related to non-payment of subscriptions
1 Amend Article 6 to, inter alia:
- provide that the issuance of shares will be subject to the condition that the purchase price
is received with good value from the subscriber;
- provide that the acceptance of the subscription and the issue of the shares will be
evidenced by the issue of a contract note;
- provide that shares will be pledged to the benefit of the Fund pending the payment of the
purchase price by the subscriber;
- provide that the shares which are issued and for which payment has not yet been received
from the subscriber will be earmarked as “unsettled” in the register of shareholders
and that this reference will materialize the inscription of the pledge in the register of
- grant the Fund or its delegate with the discretionary power to redeem or cancel the shares
issued at the cost and expense of the subscriber and without prior notice, in case the
purchase price has not been received from the subscriber by the Fund or its delegate within
the time limit provided for in the Prospectus, or if prior to such time limit the Fund becomes
aware of an event affecting the investor that, in the opinion of the Fund or its delegate, is
likely to result in a situation where the investor will not be in a position to or willing to pay
the purchase price within the aforesaid time limit;
- provide that the Fund or its delegate may also enforce the Fund’s rights under the pledge,
at its absolute discretion, and bring an action against the investor or deduct any costs or
losses incurred by the Fund or its delegate against any existing holding of the investor in
the Fund;
- provide that any shortfall between the purchase price and the redemption price and any
costs incurred by the Fund or its delegate to enforce the Fund’s rights will be required to
be paid by the subscriber to the Fund upon demand in writing to compensate the damage
suffered by the Fund or its delegate;
- provide that in case the redemption proceeds exceed the purchase price and the aforesaid
costs, the difference may be retained by the Fund or its delegate as both may agree from
time to time and that in the case the redemption proceeds and any amounts effectively
recovered from the investor are less than the purchase price, the shortfall will be borne by
the Fund or its delegates as both may agree from time to time; and
- provide that, pending receipt of the purchase price, the transfer or conversion of the
relevant shares is not permitted and voting rights and entitlements to dividend payments
are suspended.
Update to provisions to liquidate, reorganize or merge sub-funds or share classes
2 Amend Article 21 to, inter alia:
- describe under which circumstances the Board may decide (i) to liquidate a sub-fund, (ii) to
close down a class of the Fund by merger into another class of the same sub-fund, another
sub-fund or another undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities,
(iii) the reorganisation of one sub-fund, and (iv) the merger of sub-funds, in particular, if
the laws and regulations applicable to the Fund or any of its sub-funds or classes of shares
justifies it, or if the proposal is in the best interests of the shareholders; and
- clarify that the provisions on mergers of UCITS set forth in the Law (as defined hereafter)
and any implementing regulation shall apply.
Update to provisions for appointment of the Board
3 Amend Article 13 to provide that the general meeting of shareholders electing the directors of
the Fund shall further determine the number of directors, their remuneration and the term of
their office (maximum six years) and that the directors shall be elected at the majority of the
votes cast.
Update to provisions available as a result of changes to the Luxembourg Law of
10 August 1915 on commercial companies
4 Amend Article 4 to provide the Board with the power to update the Articles should the registered
office of the Fund be transferred to any municipality in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
5 Amend Article 6 to, inter alia:
- allow the Fund to issue global share certificates within the meaning of Article 41 of the law
of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended; and
- allow the Fund to send notices to shareholders by email to the extent they have provided an
email address and have consented to be contacted by email.
6 Amend Article 10 to clarify that annual general meetings may be held abroad to the extent
permitted by law.
7 Amend Article 11 to, inter alia:
- provide the Board with the right to suspend the right to vote on any meeting of shareholders
of any shareholder which does not satisfy its obligations towards the Fund or other
shareholders; and
- provide shareholders with the right to not exercise its right on all or part of its shares on a
temporary or indefinite basis.
8 Amend Article 12 to clarify the circumstances under which notifications can be made via email
to shareholders and the procedure to follow to maintain, exercise or revoke this right.
9 Amend Article 17 such that, should quorum that was met for a meeting of the Board of
directors be lost on account of a conflict of interest of one or more directors; in respect of the
item that precipitated the conflict of interest, the Board may decide to transfer the decision on
such item to a meeting of shareholders.
General, non-material, update of the Articles
10 Amend Article 8 to, inter alia, clarify that:
- the Board has the power to restrict or prevent the ownership of shares by any person in
circumstances which in the opinion of the Board might be detrimental to the interests of
the Fund;
- the term U.S. Person when used in the Articles will have the meaning determined by the
Board from time to time and disclosed in the Prospectus; and
- the Fund may redeem or convert shares of a class where it appears that a shareholder
or beneficial owner of a class of shares with specific eligibility criteria does not meet
such criteria.
11 Amend Article 22 to:
- add and clarify circumstances where the Board is allowed to suspend the determination of the
net asset value of shares of a sub-fund and the issue, conversion and redemption price; and
- clarify that subscription, redemption and conversion requests shall be revocable in the
event of suspension of the calculation of the net asset value.
12 Amend Article 23 to add valuation rules for liquid assets and money market instruments.
13 Amend Article 20 to inter alia:
"The exclusive purpose of the Company is to invest the funds available to it in transferable
securities and/or in other liquid financial assets as well as other assets permitted by Part I of the
law of 17th December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment, as amended from time to
time (the "Law") with the purpose of spreading investment risks and affording its shareholders
the results of the management of its assets.
The Company may take any measures and carry out any operation which it may deem useful
in the accomplishment and development of its purpose to the fullest extent permitted under
the Law.".
14 Amend various articles so as to proceed to a general update of the Articles in order to, inter alia:
- amend Article 5 to clarify that references to classes of shares in the Articles must be
understood within the meaning of Article 181 of the Law;
- amend Articles 6, 21 and 26 to remove any reference to bearer shares as no bearer shares
are in issue;
- amend Article 14 to replace the reference to “chapter 13 of the Law” by a reference to
“chapter 15 of the Law”;
- amend Article 21 to clarify that redemption and conversion requests shall be revocable
under the conditions determined by the Board or its delegates and disclosed (if any)
in the Prospectus;
- amend Article 24 to clarify that subscription requests shall be revocable under the conditions
determined by the Board or its delegates and disclosed (if any) in the Prospectus;
- amend Article 27 to clarify that, in accordance with article 181 of the Law, the liquidation of
the last remaining sub-fund of the Fund automatically results in the liquidation of the Fund
and is required to be approved by an extraordinary meeting of shareholders, and
- define terms, add minor clarifications and remove transitional language, as appropriate.
Location Registered office of the Fund (see below)
Date and time 15 November 2017 at 15:10 CET
Quorum There is no quorum required for this reconvened extraordinary general meeting.
Voting Agenda items will be resolved by a majority of two-third of the votes cast.
Name JPMorgan Funds
Legal form SICAV - Fund type UCITS
Registered office 6, route de Trèves, L-2633 Senningerberg, Luxembourg
Phone +352 34 10 1 - Fax +352 2452 9755
Registration number (RCS Luxembourg) B 8478
Management company JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.
Félagsstarf eldri borgara
Aflagrandi 40 Hjá okkur er opin vinnustofa í dag frá kl. 9, leikfimi í
KR frá kl. 10.30, félagsvistin er á sínum stað kl. 13 og útskurður og
myndlist í hreyfisalnum frá kl. 13, jóga kl. 18.
Árskógar Opin smíðastofa kl. 9-16, ganga um nágrennið kl. 11,
handavinna með leiðbeinanda kl. 12.30-16, félagsvist með vinningum
kl. 13. Myndlist með Elsu kl. 16-20, opið fyrir innipútt, hádegismatur
kl. 11.40-12.45, kaffisala kl. 15-15.45, heitt á könnunni. Allir velkomnir.
Sími 535-2700.
Boðinn Leikfimi fellur niður í dag, félagsvist kl. 13, myndlist kl. 13.
Bólstaðarhlíð 43 Opin handverksstofa kl. 9-16, morgunkaffi kl. 10-
10.30. Qigong kl. 10.30, bútasaumshópur kl. 13, framhaldsþættir kl.
13.40-14.30, opið kaffihús kl. 14.30-15.15.
Dalbraut 18-20 Handavinnusamvera kl. 9, brids kl. 13.
Félagsmiðstöðin Lönguhlíð 3 Botsía kl. 10.30, opin handverksstofa
kl. 13, upplestur kl. 13.10, leikfimi kl. 13.45, kaffiveitingar kl. 14.30.
Allir velkomnir.
Félagsmiðstöðin Vitatorgi Kl. 8.30-12.30 leirmótun, kl. 10-12.30
handaband, opin vinnustofa með leiðbeinendum, kl. 10-10.30 bóka-
bíllinn á svæðinu, kl. 13-16 frjáls spil, kl. 13-17 bókband, kl. 13-15
handavinna í handverksstofu, öllum opin, kl. 13.30-14.15 söngstund
við píanóið, kl. 15 hittist handavinnuhópur í handverksstofu. Verið vel-
komin á Vitatorg sími 411-9450.
Furugerði 1 Hátíðarhelgistund í dag, mánudaginn 30. október kl. 15.
Séra María Ágústsdóttir flytur hugvekju og kirkjukórinn Glæðurnar
leiðir söng, morgunverður frá kl. 8.10-9.10 í borðsal, fjöliðjan í kjallara
opin frá kl. 10, heitt kaffi á könnunni, stólaleikfimi kl. 11 í innri borðsal.
Hádegisverður kl. 11.30-12.30 í borðsal, ganga kl. 13 ef veður leyfir.
Botsía í innri borðsal kl. 14, síðdegiskaffi kl. 14.30-15.30 í borðsal. Qi
gong kl. 16.30 í innri borðsal, kvöldverður kl. 18.
Garðabær Opið í Jónshúsi og heitt á könnunni alla virka daga frá kl.
9.30-16. Hægt er að panta hádegismat með dags fyrirvara í síma 617-
1503, meðlæti með síðdegiskaffinu er selt frá kl. 14-15.45, vatnsleik-
fimi Sjálandi kl. 7.40/8.20/15, kvennaleikfimi Sjálandi kl. 9.05. Stólaleik-
fimi Sjálandi kl. 9.50, kvennaleikfimi Ásgarði kl. 10.40, brids í Jónshúsi
kl. 13, zumba í Kirkjuhvoli kl. 16.15.
Gerðuberg Opin handavinnustofa kl. 8.30-16, útskurður með leið-
beinanda kl. 9-16, línudans kl. 13-14, kóræfing kl. 14.30-16.30.
Gjábakki Kl. 9 handavinna, kl. 9.10 botsía, kl. 9.30 postulínsmálun, kl.
10.50 jóga, kl. 13.15 kanasta, kl. 13.30 spjallhópur.
Gullsmári Postulínshópur kl. 9, jóga kl. 9.30, ganga kl. 10, handa-
vinna / brids kl. 13, jóga kl. 18.
Hraunbær 105 Kaffiklúbbur og spjall, allir velkomnir í frítt kaffi kl. 9.
opin handavinna kl. 9–14, bænastund kl. 9.30–10, jóga kl. 10.10–11.10,
hádegismatur kl. 11.30, prjónaklúbbur kl. 14, kaffi kl. 14.30.
Hvassaleiti 56-58 Félagsmiðstöðin er opin kl. 8-16, morgunkaffi og
spjall til kl. 10.30, dagblöðin og púsl liggja frammi, léttar erobik-
æfingar með Milan kl. 9, morgunleikfimi kl. 9.45, hádegismatur kl.
11.30. Spilað brids kl. 13, eftirmiðdagskaffi kl. 14.30. Fótaaðgerðir 588-
Hæðargarður 31 Félagsmiðstöðin opnuð kl. 8.50, við hringborðið kl.
8.50, ganga kl. 10, línudansnámskeið kl. 10, myndlistarnámskeið hjá
Margréti Zophoníasdóttur kl. 12.30, handavinnuhornið kl. 13, félags-
vist kl. 13.15, síðdegiskaffi kl. 14.30. Allir velkomnir óháð aldri, nánari
upplýsingar í síma 411-2790.
Korpúlfar Postulínsnámskeið með Ástu kl. 9, ganga frá Borgum og
Grafarvogskirkju kl. 10 og inni í Egilshöll. Línudans með Eddu kl. 11,
skartgripagerð með Sesselju kl. 13 í Borgum í dag. Félagsvist kl. 13 í
dag í Borgum.Tréútskurður á Korpúlfsstöðum kl. 13 og Kóræfing
Korpu-systkina kl. 16.30 í dag.
Norðurbrún 1 Morgunkaffi kl. 8.30, morgunleikfimi kl. 9.45, upplest-
ur kl. 11, trésmiðja kl. 13-16, samverustund með djákna kl. 14, ganga
með starfsmanni kl. 14, bíó á 2. hæð kl. 15.30. Uppl. í s. 4112760.
Selið, Sléttuvegi 11-13 Selið er opið frá kl. 10-16 og upp úr kl. 10 er
boðið upp á kaffi þar sem fólk kemur saman í spjall og kíkir í blöðin.
Hádegisverður er kl. 11.30-12.30 og spiluð er félagsvist kl. 13. Kaffi og
meðlæti er selt á vægu verði kl. 14.30-15.30. Allir eru hjartanlega vel-
komnir í Selið. Nánari upplýsingar hjá Maríu Helenu í síma 568-2586.
Stangarhylur 4, Zumba námskeið kl. 10.30, leiðbeinandiTanya.
Skapandi skrif - námskeið kl. 14, leiðbeinandi Þórður Helgason.
Raðauglýsingar 569 1100
Smáauglýsingar 569 1100
Sumarhús – Gestahús –
Framleiðum stórglæsileg sumarhús
í ýmsum stærðum.
Tökum að okkur stækkun og
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