Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.03.2017, Page 10

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.03.2017, Page 10
Words PAUL FONTAINE Share this article: GPV.IS/SH3 A SUBJECT OF HEATED DISCUS- SION in Icelandic news lately has been freedom of expression. Here in Iceland, as in other parts of the world, “free- dom of expression” is often confused with “freedom from criticism,” often by those who stress the importance of free- dom of expression most of all. Case in point: the radio station Út- varp Saga. Many of our readers will already be familiar with the call-in portion of their programming, Línan er laus (in English: “The line is open”), wherein the country’s bigots call in to gripe about foreigners in general. They seem to focus on Muslims in particular, and how liberal views are destroying the fabric of our society. If you regularly take the city bus, you might have found yourself forced to listen to the awful opinions belched forth on this show, whether you like it or not. To Iceland’s credit, both the show and its hosts, Pétur Gunnlaugsson and Árnþrúður Karlsdóttir, are regularly criticised elsewhere in the media and society for being unrepentantly racist and for spreading the kind of misinfor- mation that gave rise to such phenom- enon as the now-mostly-disappeared Icelandic National Front. But each and every time Pétur and company are met with such criticism, their response is al- ways the same: that they have a right to freedom of expression in this country. The fragile Mr. Gunnlaugsson However, in Iceland, like many other countries, freedom of expression has its legal limitations, too. In particular, Article 233(a) of the Penal Code states: "Anyone who in a ridiculing, slanderous, insulting, threatening or any other man- ner publicly assaults [in this context, this refers to verbal assault as well as physical] a person or a group of people on the basis of their nationality, skin colour, race, reli- gion or sexual orientation, shall be fined or jailed for up to 2 years." As such, Pétur recently found him- self on the receiving end of a court injunction for inciting hate speech, following remarks a caller made in regards to the LGBT community in Iceland. The Reykjavík District Court ultimately dismissed the case, which Pétur was quick to celebrate, declaring that the entire complaint had been “a political campaign” against him, most notably saying: “It is very bad when the justice system in Iceland is in the hands of political people who abuse the system for the sole purpose of trying to slam an individ- ual who has opinions they don’t like.” This remark is very telling in light of what would happen next. Gunnar Waage, a blogger who runs the website Sandkassinn, regularly hands out a satirical award called “The Poop of the Month” to those individuals Gunnar deems worthy of being called a poop, i.e. a reprehensible person. One month, Pétur was bestowed this award. His response? He tried to sue someone who shared Gunnar Waage’s award post on Facebook—thus using the court sys- tem to slam someone whose opinions he doesn’t like. Pétur’s complaint was also dis- missed by the court, and he was made to pay for the accused’s legal costs. Icelan- dic courts have consistently ruled that opinions are protected under freedom of expression; accusations, especially of criminal activity, are not. And at the time of this writing, being a poop is not a crime. However, the case shows how Icelanders have a complicated relation- ship with freedom of expression. For example: for as much as Iceland touts its liberal principles, we had blas- phemy laws on the books until 2015, and people have been fined for blasphemy in the past (although this law was sel- dom enforced in modern times). Pétur is also far from the only person to have been charged with hate speech. Similar charges have been filed against conser- vative Christians such as Snorri Bertel and Jens Valur, who have been outspo- ken in their distaste for homosexuals and Muslims, respectively. On social media, Icelanders seem to fall into two camps where these cases are concerned: those who absolutely support free- dom of expression (most vocally, when it concerns the rights of bigots to be publicly bigoted; they tend to be all but silent when minorities speak up, oddly enough), and those who believe that hate speech is a real thing that amounts to bullying or violence against the mar- ginalised. Calling hate speech “bully- ing” strikes a chord with many Iceland- ers; public schools have run concerted campaigns against bullying for many years now. How can we teach children to stand up against bullying, they say, when we allow adults to do it to each other? Countering this, free speech absolutists contend that critics are the ones who are bullying; that their criti- cisms and injunctions amount to si- lencing tactics and censorship. Ultimately, this seems to be some- thing the courts will always have to decide on a case by case basis, where the legal world is concerned. In daily life, freedom of expression is demonstrably alive and well in Ice- land: the freedom to say what you want, as well as the freedom of oth- ers to call you a poop for saying it. OPINION The Freedom To Call Someone A Poop The Comedy Ban of 1940 LIKE MOST COUNTRIES, Iceland has a long and illustrious history of censorship. A fun example can be found in the annals of 1940, when chief of police Agnar Kofod- Hansen announced that after having spoken to witnesses who had attended the dress rehearsal of the play ‘Stundum og stundum ekki (“Sometimes and sometimes not”), he had decided that the play was not fit for production and would be banned. The expert wit- nesses included a former bank clerk and a couple of doctors. The Reykjavik City Theatre called for a new review, and staged a new run-through for a new expert panel, which included three gov- ernment administrators, a judge and a principal. Only one of these, the principal, called for a ban. The chief of police relented and the premiere was allowed to proceed. But what was it that so angered the authorities? Perhaps the clue is to be found in the review published in the newspaper Morgunblaðið. There, it said that the play was set in the Prime Minister’s office, and portrayed the horse-trading of high posts among loyal party members, their extramarital af- fairs, and so on. The review con- cluded that even though the play was harsh, it was probably not very far from reality. - Valur Gunnarsson BLAST FROM THE PAST “Being a poop is not a crime” 10 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03 — 2017 Open 11:30-22:00 saegreif inn. is Geirsgata 8 • 101 Reykjavík • Tel. 553 1500 • An absolute must-try! Saegreifinn restaurant (Sea Baron) is like none other in Iceland; a world famous lobster soup and a diverse fish selection. 483-1000 • 5 minutes from Eyrarbakki at the Ölfusá bridge open daily 11:00-21:00 483-3330 • 10 minutes from Selfoss Búðarstígur 4, 820 Eyrarbakki open daily 11:30-22:00 Traveling the south coast or Golden Circle?Reykjavík Eyrarbakki Keavík International Airport Vík


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