Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.04.2017, Blaðsíða 4
4The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 05 — 2017 The Top Stories April 07 - April 20 Words: Paul Fontaine NEWS IN BRIEF You might know the Grapevine as the gold stan- dard for journalism, but even we fall victim to fake news from time to time. Such as the case when we reported that post-Euro 2016 co- ital celebrations led to a “football baby boom” in Iceland. Much of the international media ran with this story, but upon further exam- ination, we discovered that this was utterly false. So we ran a new article refuting ourselves. None- theless, the die has been cast, and headlines purporting Iceland’s post-Euro baby boom are still be- ing circulated at the time of this writing. Nostra culpa. United Silicon, which runs the plant in Reykjanesbær that every- one loves to hate, could be looking at the end of days. Despite United Silicon’s repeated denials of any wrongdoing, both the town coun- cil and Iceland’s Minister for the Environment, Björt Ólafsdóttir, believe the plant has been a major source of pollution for the area. Residents have long complained of respiratory ailments, and authori- ties want to shut the plant down altogether. Their constant pollut- ing is ironic, considering they pro- duce material used to make solar panels. Jailed banker Ólafur Ólafsson ap- peared in the news again, when the Parliamentary Investigative Commission looking into the causes of the 2008 financial crash uncovered that—surprise!—he was dishonest in his financial dealings about a lot of new stuff. The broad strokes are: he straight- up lied about the identity of the real investors in the Agricultural Bank of Iceland when the govern- ment sold its share in that bank back in 2002. He also shuffled a lot of money around in tax shelters, and kept it hidden through back- rooms deals and obfuscation. Óla- fur, when confronted by reporters, expressed deep and solemn regret for what he did, and vowed to pay back every króna that he hahaha just kidding. He doesn’t care. Some months ago, a social media ragefest ignited when a young woman was kicked out of a mu- nicipal pool for going topless. Pool employees said they were just en- forcing their own rules and guide- lines, while the young woman in question asserted she had every legal right to go topless—and probably correctly so, it seems, as Supreme Court lawyer Unnar Steinn Bjarndal has reasoned that there is no legal precedent for such a ban, which most likely violates Iceland’s gender equity laws. It seems like pretty much every Icelandic film or television show is some kind of grim noir drama these days, doesn’t it? Well, di- rector Baltasar Kormákur has decided to kick things up a notch with ‘Katla’, a dystopian TV series that takes place two years after the massive volcano has erupted and laid Iceland to waste. StudioCanal recently agreed to co-produce the series and handle its international distribution. Fun! Icelandic tele- vision, always keeping the sunny side up. In lighter news, Icelandic Music Experiments (Músíktilraunir) has been upon us once again. This music contest has brought the world many an international suc- cess, including Of Monsters and Men, amongst others. This year, the winners were Between Moun- tains, a duo comprised of two girls, Katla Vigdís Vernharðsdót- tir and Ásrós Helga Guðmunds- dóttir, aged 14 and 16 respectively. Will they follow in the footsteps of the international stars who pre- ceded them? Only time will tell, but here’s hoping for the best! SMJÖRFLUGA The Minister for the Environment, as envisioned floating above the heavy industries of Iceland Serially misunderstood financier Ólafur Ólafson, being misunderstood by National Radio Some people in a swimming pool Baltasar Kormákur Photo by Christian Schulze Between Mountains, as pictured between a wall and a cupboard Euro Cup fever turned coital frenzy? First Visit us at Reykjavík City Hall Do you need helpful hints about culture, dining and other activities in our favourite city? We would love to assist you with planning your stay and booking your adventure! See you at the Official Tourist Information Centre. Open daily from 8-20
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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