Verslunartíðindi - 01.10.1925, Blaðsíða 8
gildi í september 1922, er aðfluttri ull
skift í tvo flokka er tollast þannig undir
1101. og 1102. greinar laganna.
No. 1101 — Wool, not improved by the ad-
mixture of merlno or English blood, such as
Donskoi, native Smyrna, natlve South Ame-
rican Cordova, Valparaiso, and other wool of
like character or description, and hair of the
camel, in the grease............12 cent lb.
If washed.......................18 — —
If scoured......................24 — —
If on the skin..................11 — —
Provided, that such wool may be imported
under bond in an amount to be fixed by the
Secretary of the Treasury and under such
regulations as he shall prescribe, and If within
three years from the date of Importation or
wlthdrawal from bonded warehouse satisfactory
proof is furnished that the wool has been used
in the manufacture of rugs, carpets or any
other floor coverings, the duties shall be re-
mitted or refunded.
Provided further that if any such wool im-
ported under bond as above prescribed is used
in the manufacture of arti'cles other than rugs,
carpets or any other floor coverings, there
shall beelevied, collected, and paid on any wool
so used in violation of the bond, in addltlon
to the regular duties provided by this para-
graph 20 cent lb. vhich shall not be remitted
or refunded on exportation of the articles or
for any other reason.
Wool in greaae shall be considered such as,
shall have been shorn from the sheep without
any cieansing, that is, in its natural condition.
Washed wool shall be considered such as hás
been washed with water only on the sheep’s
back, or on the skin.
No. 1102 — Wool, not specially provlded for,
and hair of the Angora goat, Cashmere goat,
aipaca, and other like animals, imported in the
grease or washed, on ciean content 31 sent lb.
Imported in the scoured state ... 31 — —
Imported on theskin,on cleancontent 30 — —
íslenska ullin kom undir ákvæði 1101.
greinar og naut því þeirrar ívilnunar að
tollurinn yrði endurgreiddur með vissum
skilyrðum, að því leyti er ullin notaðist
til gólfteppa.
En það undarlega skeður í þessu máli,
að nokkrura mánuðum síðar gefur toll-
stjórnin í Washington tollheimtumanninum
í New York skipun um að tolla íslensku
ullina eftir ákvæðum 1102. greinar, sem
að því er virðist, er gjört að undirlagi
ullartolls-eftirlitsmann8Íns í New York,
einmitt þess sama manns, er áður kallaði
ullina teppaull, og mælti með því að hún
væri tollfrjáls meðan bráðabirgða-tollögin
voru í gildi.
Eftirfarandi grein um þetta efni hefi
jeg í höndum svohljóðandi:
Washington D. C. Jan. 26. — The Customs
Service has decided that Iceiandic wools are
dutlable under Paragraph 1102 of the Tariff
Act, whereas they have been classified under
Paragraph 1101. In this connection the Assi-
stant Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Clifford,
is sending the following communication to the
collector of customs in New York:
»The department is in recelpt of your letter
of the 9th instant and previous correspondence
in regard to the classification of Icelandic
»In your letter of Nov. 2 last, you trans-
mitted a communication from the appraiser in
which he stated that he is of the oplnion that
Icelandic woois are properly dutiable uuder
the provisions of Paragraph 1102 of the Tariff
Act for the reason that these wools are not
commonly known as carpet wool, and are
generally used in the manufacture of blankets,
medium and low knit goods, as weil as for
cheviots and similar goods used for wearing
»After a careful consideration of this quest-
ion the department has raached the conclusion
that Icelandlc wools are dutiabie under Para-
graf 1102 of the Tariff Act, and as it appears