Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.05.1990, Side 284
Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1979-1981
Table 8. Local government expenditure pr. inhabitant by size of municipalities 1979-1981
ISK at current prices
Other municipalities with number of inhabitants
Whole country Capital region >3000 1000-3000 400-999 <400
1979 Total expenditure, gross 3,664 3,849 3,734 4,253 3,489 2,282
Operation outlays, net 1,928 1,997 2,103 2,071 1,741 1,350
Service revenue 718 901 608 671 386 291
Gross investment 1,018 951 1,023 1,511 1362 641
Administration 171 124 205 273 251 189
Social security 546 673 506 462 331 235
Health 88 79 106 114 100 72
Education 499 486 440 501 615 563
Culture and recreation 234 278 302 213 70 57
Sanitary affairs 129 162 137 112 67 23
Road constmction and affairs 444 471 532 575 396 99
Interest 146 102 205 252 257 91
Other expenditure 689 573 93 1,080 1,016 662
Total expenditure, gross 6,313 6,926 6,128 6,891 5,605 3,659
Operation outlays, net 3,070 3,150 3,288 3,444 2,818 2,182
Service revenue 1,140 1,439 957 1,075 632 413
Gross investment 2,103 2,337 1,883 2,372 2,155 1,064
Administration 284 220 345 418 391 298
Social security 945 1,230 776 729 525 359
Health 143 133 167 198 131 111
Education 801 768 859 854 815 808
Culture and recreation 371 434 486 347 128 88
Sanitary affairs 203 249 217 190 109 45
Road construction and affairs 764 858 957 719 584 207
Interest 238 106 330 564 534 205
Other expenditure 1,424 1,489 1,034 1,797 1,756 1,125
Total expenditure, gross 9,617 10,169 9,737 11,026 9,217 5,731
Operation outlays, net 4,941 5,001 5,382 5,644 4,524 3,580
Service revenue 1,856 2,406 1,435 1,716 989 601
Gross investment 2,820 2,762 2,920 3,666 3,704 1,550
Administration 432 329 499 638 642 474
Social security 1,471 1,824 1,465 1,102 895 557
Health 223 193 252 331 276 180
Education 1,203 1,102 1,369 1,299 1,183 1,348
Culture and recreation 585 682 751 568 216 131
Sanitary affairs 306 368 331 301 174 68
Road construction and affairs 1,310 1,450 1,371 1,335 1,548 396
Interest 432 168 687 1,021 903 415
Other expenditure 1,799 1,647 1,577 2,715 2,391 1,561