Útvegur - 01.08.2003, Síða 60
Afli og aflaverðmæti
Tafla 5.5. Afli og verðmæti afla eftir tegund löndunar og stærð/gerð skipa 2002
Table 5.5. Catch and catch value by type oflanding and type and size ofvessel 2002
Samtals Total Opnir fiskibátar TJndecked vessels Vélskip, bt.
0-10 11-25 26-100 101-300
Heildarafli í tonnum
Til vinnslu innanlands
I gáma til útflutnings
Landað erlendis til bræðslu
A markað til vinnslu innanlands
A markað, í gáma til útflutnings
Sjófryst til endurvinnslu innanlands
Selt úr skipi erlendis
Aðrar löndunartegundir
Heildarverðmæti, þús. kr.
Til vinnslu innanlands
I gáma til útflutnings
Landað erlendis til bræðslu
A markað til vinnslu innanlands
A markað, í gáma til útflutnings
Sjófryst til endurvinnslu innanlands
Selt úr skipi erlendis
Aðrar löndunartegundir
2.133.327 24.165 34.749
1.746.241 10.057 16.717
21.114 200 228
30.893 - -
229.811 - -
85.277 13.330 17.170
4.372 542 597
8.932 2 _
5.473 - -
1.215 34 36
77.075.250 3.040.231 4.304.265
34.668.077 1.135.976 1.721.697
3.608.606 30.836 36.781
432.255 - —
24.155.739 •- -
11.732.525 1.792.085 2.462.522
681.301 77.030 79.234
985.758 80 _
676.070 - -
134.919 4.225 4.031
13.717 25.796 82.004
6.595 15.888 52.150
231 908 8.508
_ 1031 3
6.519 8.024 19.610
210 580 1.391
162 396 342
1.834.080 3.256.431 10.128.680
673.431 1.667.946 5.539.719
43.669 178.545 1.497.739
_ _ 299
1.059.768 1.256.208 2.814.387
37.782 107.380 236.526
19.430 46.352 40.010
Heimild Source: Vigtarskýrslur. Weight reports
Tafla 5.6. Afli og verðmæti afla eftir tegund löndunar og heimahöfn skipa 2002
Table 5.6. Catch and catch value by type oflanding and home port ofvessel 2002
Landið allt Höfuðborgarsv. Suðumes Vesturland Vestfirðir
Whole country Capital region Southwest West Westfjords
Heildarafli í tonnum 2.133.327 174.982 197.572 253.251 52.945
Til vinnslu innanlands 1.746.241 116.173 153.685 200.429 34.673
I gáma til útflutnings 21.114 1.630 1.641 3.286 691
Landað erlendis til bræðslu 30.893 2.311 2.698 1.387 _
Sjófryst 229.811 42.897 21.222 18.004 6.040
A markað til vinnslu innanlands 85.277 9.074 17.320 26.902 10.875
A markað, í gáma til útflutnings 4.372 529 685 1.847 434
Sjófryst til endurvinnslu innanlands 8.932 2.074 - _ -
Selt úr skipi erlendis 5.473 162 _ 1.198 _
Aðrar löndunartegundir 1.215 131 321 198 232
Heildarverðmæti, þús. kr. 77.075.250 9.530.797 9.663.630 10.938.692 6.425.360
Til vinnslu innanlands 34.668.077 2.578.127 4.730.286 3.836.507 3.581.118
I gáma til útflutnings 3.608.606 310.030 258.993 644.081 146.415
Landað erlendis til bræðslu 432.255 37.336 36.534 17.178 -
Sjófryst 24.155.739 5.020.982 2.175.742 1.940.682 1.081.934
A markað til vinnslu innanlands 11.732.525 1.229.079 2.330.501 4.081.058 1.527.422
A markað, í gáma til útflutnings 681.301 83.944 95.943 306.138 62.112
Sjófryst til endurvinnslu innanlands 985.758 234.854 - - -
Selt úr skipi erlendis 676.070 21.810 - 88.100 _
Aðrar löndunartegundir 134.919 14.636 35.631 24.947 26.359
Heimild Source: Vigtarskýrslur. Weight reports.
Afli og aflaverðmæti
Decked vessels, GT Togarar, bt. Trawlers, GT
301-500 501-1.000 1.001- 0-1.000 1.001-
158.637 398.442 1.028.784 148.944 218.088 Total catch in tonnes
137.552 380.233 967.915 110.451 48.682 For domestic processing
4.412 212 28 4.191 2.195 For export in containers
- 10.339 18.275 2.280 - Landed abroadforfishmeal and oil production
4.363 2.456 41.435 19.476 162.078 Frozen at sea
10.926 2.263 555 5.727 1.153 To auction market, for domestic processing
685 86 9 241 31 To auction market,for export in containers
144 2.847 342 2.650 2.948 Frozen at sea for domestic re-processing
430 - 226 3.816 1.001 Fresh fish soldfrom vessel abroad
125 6 - 114 1 Other types of landings
7.079.019 4.812.482 10.230.422 11.392.111 20.997.530 Total value, thousand ISK
4.171.342 3.675.001 8.300.091 6.505.230 1.277.644 For domestic processing
711.110 53.628 6.764 685.334 364.200 For export in containers
- 159.489 241.958 30.809 - Landed abroadforfishmeal and oil production
625.488 386.708 1.574.143 2.786.790 18.782.311 Frozen at sea
1.385.105 233.230 17.138 622.321 89.762 To auction market,for domestic processing
96.332 10.393 907 32.870 2.848 To auction market.for export in containers
14.677 293.542 43.996 296.982 336.481 Frozen at sea for domestic re-processing
62.614 - 45.426 423.753 144.277 Freshfish soldfrom vessel abroad
12.351 492 - 8.022 7 Other types of landings
Norðurland vestra Norðurland eystra Austurland Suðurland
Northwest Northeast East South
31.228 457.432 537.641 428.276 Total catch, tonnes
13.308 341.939 517.725 368.309 For domestic processing
17 3.108 2.341 8.402 For export in containers
- 3.003 5.122 16.371 Landed abroad for fishmeal and oil production
14.171 98.949 7.280 21.246 Frozen at sea
1.305 7.211 4.637 7.953 To auction market,for domestic processing
42 224 266 344 To auction market.for export in containers
2.362 2.920 144 1.432 Frozen at sea for domestic re-processing
- - - 4.113 Fresh fish soldfrom vessel abroad
23 78 125 107 Other types of landings
3.449.792 16.703.439 9.665.835 10.697.705 Total value, thousand ISK
1.257.309 6.052.760 7.620.632 5.011.337 For domestic processing
3.554 535.133 355.338 1.355.062 For export in containers
- 41.692 56.456 243.059 Landed abroadfor fishmeal and oil production
1.768.211 8.863.996 958.705 2.345.486 Frozen at sea
175.299 838.690 606.455 944.021 To auction market.for domestic processing
4.666 29.997 42.574 55.926 To auction market, for export in containers
238.180 331.652 14.677 166.395 Frozen at seafor domestic re-processing
- - - 566.161 Freshfish soldfrom vessel abroad
2.572 9.519 10.996 10.258 Other types of landings