Útvegur - 01.08.2003, Qupperneq 80

Útvegur - 01.08.2003, Qupperneq 80
78 Afli og aflaverðmæti Tafla 5.16. Afli og verðmæti afla eftir gerð skipa, veiðarfærum og mánuðum 2002 (frh.) Table 5.16. Catch and catch value by type ofvessel.fishing gear and months 2002 (cont.) Tonn Samtals Janúar Febrúar Mars Apríl Maí Júní Total January February March April May June Togarar Heildarafli í tonnum 367.032 17.894 40.370 44.113 31.366 35.662 32.935 Botnvarpa 220.459 11.860 18.826 24.143 28.741 16.822 14.340 Flotvarpa 83.154 3.261 8.280 630 16.066 14.999 Humarvarpa 182 - 37 79 Nót 44.450 2.040 12.284 18.231 - 822 2.245 Rækjuvarpa 18.787 734 980 1.739 1.994 1.914 1.272 Heildarverðmæti, millj. kr. 32.390 1.512 2.720 3.197 3.479 3.413 2.740 Botnvarpa 25.419 1.359 2.404 2.843 3.188 1.848 1.488 Flotvarpa 4.206 67 98 48 1.283 1.052 Humarvarpa 31 - - - 7 13 Nót 374 20 105 134 - 13 29 Rækjuvarpa 2.359 66 113 220 244 262 159 Opnir fiskibátar Heildarafli í tonnum 24.165 739 703 1.398 1.206 3.376 4.341 Lína 7.644 660 594 832 531 587 495 Net 1.068 57 95 317 133 120 44 Handfæri 15.184 21 13 170 422 2.620 3.799 Dragnót 10 - - - — _ 1 Botnvarpa - - - - - — _ Önnur veiðarfæri 259 - 1 78 119 50 3 Heildarverðmæti, millj. kr. 3.040 115 99 172 150 417 535 Lína 970 102 81 93 57 64 59 Net 156 11 16 46 18 16 6 Handfæri 1.877 2 2 21 57 333 470 Dragnót 0 - - - — _ 0 Önnur veiðarfæri 37 - 0 13 17 5 0 Rannsóknarskip Heildarafli í tonnum 213 _ _ 45 9 21 Handfæri 0 — _ _ _ _ Dragnót 0 - - - - _ _ Botnvarpa 166 - - 45 9 13 _ Humarvarpa 7 - - - - 7 _ Rækjuvarpa 39 - - 1 - Heildarverðmæti, millj. kr. 21 _ _ 4 1 3 Handfæri 0 _ _ _ _ _ Dragnót 0 - - - - _ _ Botnvarpa 16 - - 4 1 1 _ Humarvarpa 1 - - - - 1 _ Rækjuvarpa 3 - - - - 0 - Heimild Source: Vigtarskýrsiur. Weight reports. Afli og aflaverðmæti 79 Júlí Ágúst September Október Nóvember Desember Tonnes July August September October November December Trawlers 33.090 23.038 28.100 32.636 23.665 24.163 Total catch in tonnes 13.106 14.191 17.833 23.956 18.758 17.882 Bottom trawl 10.950 6.653 8.125 7.025 3.811 3.353 Pelagic trawl 66 - - - - - Nephrops trawl 6.711 - - - - 2.117 Purse seine 2.256 2.194 2.142 1.655 1.096 811 Shrimp trawl 2.533 2.171 2.613 3.001 2.518 2.494 Total value, million ISK 1.442 1.568 1.969 2.735 2.293 2.285 Bottom trawl 750 331 372 61 79 66 Pelagic trawl 11 - - - - - Nephrops trawl 58 - - - - 16 Purse seine 273 272 272 205 146 127 Shrimp trawl Undecked vessel 4.669 3.490 1.421 1.048 1.018 755 Total catch in tonnes 479 412 671 824 871 687 Bottom longline 48 61 89 48 30 25 Bottom gillnet 4.140 3.015 657 172 113 42 Handline 1 1 - 4 3 - Danish seine — - - - - - Bottom trawl 1 0 5 0 0 1 Other 573 433 174 143 133 97 Total value, million ISK 59 54 83 114 114 90 Bottom longline 7 9 13 7 5 4 Bottom gillnet 506 370 78 21 14 3 Handline 0 0 - 0 0 - Danish seine 0 0 1 0 0 0 Other Research vessels 13 5 1 107 12 _ Total catch in tonnes - 0 - - - - Handline — 0 - - - - Danish seine 1 2 1 83 12 - Bottom trawl - - - - - - Nephrops trawl 12 2 23 - Shrimp trawl 1 0 0 11 1 _ Total value, million ISK — 0 - - - - Handline - 0 - - - - Danish seine 0 0 0 9 1 - Bottom trawl - - - - - - Nephrops trawl 1 0 - 2 - - Shrimp trawl
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