Reykjavík Grapevine - 24.05.2019, Page 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - 24.05.2019, Page 30
Music A Utopian Reverie Björk’s ‘Cornucopia’ sounds the alarm call for a world in peril Words: Eli Petzold Photo: Santiago Felipe Concert Series Björk’s ‘Cornucopia’ is a series of eight sold-out shows taking place at The Shed in New York City between May 6th and June 1st “Imagine a future and be in it,” Björk sings in “Tabula Rasa,” the final song before the encore of ‘Cornucopia,’ an elaborate audio- visual production commissioned by The Shed, Manhattan’s brand new, state-of-the-art performance space. The line appears earlier in the show, projected on a scrim, amidst a manifesto for a brighter tomor- row: an allegorical island teeming with the animal-plant hybrids that appear in the lush visuals accom- panying the performance. Citing the Paris Climate Accord as an ex- emplum of utopian ideation, the manifesto implores the audience to confront our impending climate cataclysm by breaking out of an- tiquated ways of problem-solving: “Our past is on loop,” the text pro- claims. “Turn it off.” With ‘Cornucopia,’ Björk contin- ues to develop the rigorous intellec- tual and political questions posed on her latest album, ‘Utopia,’ col- laborating with a massive ensem- ble to imagine a future liberated from the prescriptive precedent of history. Swamp sprite realness As the title and media fanfare promised, ‘Cornucopia’ spills over The Shed’s proscenium, lavish- ing upon the audience a surfeit of sounds, sights, text, and ideas—a sumptuous and savoury feast that can be ingested, but not digested, in its 100-minute duration. Something tells me that’s pre- cisely the point. It ’s diff icu lt to k now where to look throughout t h e sh ow: t wo semi-translucent c u r t a i n s, com- prised of dangling cables, open and c l o s e b e t w e e n and during songs, providing an ev- er-shifting screen for v isuals (de- signed by Tobias Gremmler) of plants morphing, of- ten erotically, into hybrid organic forms (à la ‘Annihilation’). Mean- while Viibra, an Icelandic flautist septet, attend upon Björk like a Greek chorus as she hops between the fungus pads that comprise the stage. Björk and the ensemble peri- odically retreat to a reverb cham- ber—a tall, vaguely yonic chapel with a Gothic dome—as if to steal a moment’s prayer; even the per- cussionist (Manu Delago) charts a peripatetic course across the stage, playing a series of novel, bespoke instruments. Oh, and everyone’s serving some mutant swamp sprite realness, thanks to wardrobing from fashion house Balmain, masks crafted by wonderful weirdo James Merry, and makeup by distorted drag pioneer Hungry. Wait, okay, there’s also the 50-odd members of the Hamrahl- íð Choir on the stage; oh yeah, and harpist Katie Buckley; and, and… Coordinating chaos Yet by no means is ‘Cornucopia’ gluttonous. It’s what I imagine a meal at Noma to be like: ornate but restrained, abstract but candid, cer- ebral but spiritual, irregular but in- tentional. The care in each artistic decision reveals the presence of some demiurgic principle scrupulous- ly coordinating chaos to convey narrative and trigger emotion, contemplation, and action. The Hamrahlíð choir opens the show, on risers set before the stage, singing a cappella arrange- ments of Björk songs (“Cosmog- ony,” “Sonnets/Unrealities XI”) alongside musical settings of po- ems by some of Iceland’s most im- portant authors. “Cornucopia continues to develop the rigorous intel- lectual and political ques- tions posed on Utopia.” 30The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08— 2019 The multimedia feast of Björk's 'Cornucopia' Opening Hours Daily 10–17 Closed on Mondays 16/9–30/4 The National Museum of Iceland Suðurgata 41, 101 Reykjavík The Culture House Hverfisgata 15, 101 Reykjavík +354 530 2200 @icelandnationalmuseum @thjodminjasafn NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND THE CULTURE HOUSE WELCOME TO THE CULTURE HOUSE Points of view: A journey through the visual world of Iceland. Laugavegi 28 537 99 00 sumac@sumac. is sumac. is


Reykjavík Grapevine

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