Málfríður - 15.11.1991, Qupperneq 2

Málfríður - 15.11.1991, Qupperneq 2
At first glace it seems like just another ordinary day in Springfield. But somehow, subtly, strangely, something has changed. Is it due to fallout from the nuclear power plant? Hve the aliens landed? Or has yet another cartoonist cracked under deadline pressure? Can you find the alterations? Test your powers of concentration with this page of. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? HERE’S WHAT’S WRONG: Homer is cooking (and h‘es making tofu panca- kes), his mouth isn‘t full of food, he is holding a hammer, there are three hairs on top of his head instead of two, the hair on the side of his head is in the shape of an „R“ instead of an „M,“ he‘s clean-shaven, he‘s wea- ring a bow tie and polka dot, shirt, the bottom half of his body is mis- sing, and strangest of all, he‘s thinking about work and smiling. Bart has a beard, is using a napkin, isn't wearing pants, and is eating a cherry donut when his favorite is chocolate. Santa‘s Little Helper is eating broccoli and enjoying it. Maggie doesn‘t have a pacifier, has three arms with six fingers on one hand, and she‘s reaching for a bowl of oatmeal, which she hates. Marge‘s hair is much too long and there‘s a bird‘s nest in it, she has Maggie‘s paci- fier in her mouth and a big shiny diamond ring on her hand, she‘s reading a „Radio- active Man“ comic, one leg of her chair is missing, and she‘s sitting down instead of serving everyo- ne else. Grampa is wearing a dress and is up before 10 o‘clock. Patty and Selma are dan- cing naked in the living room (censored). Lisa is wearing Mag- gie‘s bow and is reading the Krusty cereal box instead of stu- dying. There‘s a „No Sugar Added“ label on the cereal box. Dan Quayle is vice president of the United States. The titles of the school books are misspelled. The space mutant has only two eyes and is not eating. The fridge is upside down and there‘s an „A“ on Bart's report card. The milk in the fridge is two days out of date. Snowball is leaving through the window even though there's food inside. The curtains have vertical stripes on one side and horizontal stripes on the other, and they‘re on fire. The radio is tuned to the rap station, not the all-mambo station. There‘s a desert outside the win- dow and Satum is in the sky. The numbers on the clock go around backwards. The painting on the wall is upside down. Flowers are growing out of the floor. There's a book in the toaster. The donuts on the table are really tiny white- wall tires. 2



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