Málfríður - 15.11.1991, Síða 21

Málfríður - 15.11.1991, Síða 21
Moanin‘ Lisa Blues — Lisa Simpson I’ve got a bratty brother, he bugs me every day. This morning my old mother gave my last cupcake away, My daddy acts like he belongs in the zoo, I’m the saddest kid in Grade number two. I wish I had a pony, I wish I were eighteen, I wish I had a dime for every kid who treats me mean. They tease me ,cause I’m different, a little different from the rest, Oh yes, if I cheered up I’d still be depressed. The saxophone’s my best friend, I play all over town, But when I practise in my room I hear, „Lisa, keep it down“!, Although I’m only eight years old, I’ve really paid my dues, That’s why I’ve got a case of the moanin' Lisa blues. I wonder how I got here, I wonder what I’ll be, The saddest little twig on this crazy family tree, I feel I’m like a loser with nothing left to lose, That’s why I’ve got a case of the moanin’ Lisa blues. Moanin‘ Lisa Blues — Lisa Simpson I’ve got a______________brother, he_____________ me every day. This morning my old mother gave my last________________away, My daddy acts like he______________in the zoo, I’m the_________________kid in Grade number two. I wish I had a pony, I wish I were________. I wish I had a__________for every kid who______________me mean. They_______________me ,cause I’m different, a little different from the rest. Oh yes, if I cheered up I’d still be____________. The________________my best friend, I play all over town. But when I__________________in my room I hear, „Lisa, keep it down“! _____________I’m only eight years old, I’ve really paid my _____________, That’s why I’ve got a case of the_______Lisa blues. I____________how I got here, I____________what I’ll be. The saddest little__________on this crazy family tree, I feel I’m like a ______ with nothing left to lose That’s why_________got a case of the moanin' Lisa blues. Stundum er heppilegt að búa til tvær útgáfur af sama textanum fyrir ólík getustig. Hér fer á eftir texti sem Simpson hjónin syngja skýrt og af innlifun — síðan fylgir eyðufylling sem nota má alveg niður í byrjendabekk í ensku. Ef þurfa þykir má auðvelda verkefn- ið með því að gefa upp, í ruglaðri röð, öll orðin sem vantar í eyð- urnar. í seinni útgáfunni vandast málið mikið, þar sem einungis fyrsta orð í hverri línu er gefið. Það verkefni hentar vel í hrað- ferð í 10. bekk. 21



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